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Expert Team on Centre Audits and Certification (ET-CAC) 2019:

Meeting information

Report of the meeting: Final report

Chair: Kevin Alder
WMO & Webex contact: David Thomas

Location: Seattle, USA
Date: 21-24 October 2019
Time: 09 am | Pacific Time Zone (UTC -08)

Key objectives

The primary objectives of the meeting are to:
  • Review tabled audit criteria from WMO Programme and Activity Areas
  • Review outcome of Congress 18 and Constituent Body Reform
  • Review working practices and tools
  • Review Audit schedules and lessons learnt from WIS Centre certifications
  • Review and address matters on the ET-CAC work plan
  • Review Terms of Reference
  • Meeting link

Meeting details

Register for the meeting

All ET-CAC members (core and associate) will be sent an official invitation.

Travel information

BlueJeans details

Bluejeans details for the meeting will be provided.

Administrative documents

Document submission

Participants should submit their documents and presentations for the meeting using the document submission form.
Link for administration of meeting documents (for use by secretariat)

Page last modified on Monday 04 of November, 2019 15:09:17 CET