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CBS Management Group - Fifteenth Meeting

Meeting details

  • Location: Bourbon Conmebol Convention Hotel, Asunçion, Paraguay
  • Date: 7 September 2014
  • Registration & opening: 09:30 7 September 2014
  • Closing: 17:00 7 September 2014
  • Meeting Room: Juventud de América
  • Chair: Fred Branski
  • WMO contact: Steve Foreman and Peiliang Shi


1. Organization of the meeting

1.1. Opening of the meeting

1.2. Adoption of the agenda

1.3. Working arrangements

1.4. Minutes of 14th meeting

2. Issues raised by OPAGs, Coordinators and teams reporting directly to CBS MG





2.4. Coordinator on Disaster Reduction

2.6. Coordinator on GEO/GEOSS

2.7. ICT-SW

3. WMO Operating and Strategic Planning

4. Arrangements for CBS Ext(2014)

5. Arrangements for TECO 2014

6. Future CBS meetings and TECOs

7. Any Other Business

8. Closure of the meeting

Meeting documents

File Gallery: CBS-MG-15

ID T Name Size Last Modified Other Sorts
1119 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 00 - Doc format
Document format for CBS MG 15 documents (optional)
39.94 KB Thu 31 of Jul, 2014 Information
1167 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Doc 2.3(1)
Terms of Reference for Focal Points managed by OPAG-ISS
42.84 KB Tue 26 of Aug, 2014 Information
1175 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Doc 2.3(2)
Issues identified by OPAG ISS
40.97 KB Wed 03 of Sep, 2014 Information
1177 application/msword Doc 2.4(1)
45.00 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1181 application/msword Doc 2.4(2)
39.50 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1183 application/msword Doc 2.4(3)
38.50 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1179 application/msword Doc 2.4(4)
45.50 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1185 application/msword Doc 2.4(5)
44.00 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1187 application/msword Doc 2.4(6)
Ipet-WIFI sub-groups
32.00 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1189 application/msword Doc 2.4(7)
27.00 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1191 application/msword Doc 2.4(8)
55.50 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information
1193 application/msword Doc 2.4(9)
31.50 KB Thu 04 of Sep, 2014 Information

Note: Secretariat link for managing documents

OPAG work plans

File Gallery: Work Plans

ID T Name Last Modified Other Sorts
3552 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document CBS Team Work Plans
CBS team work plans 2017-2020
Wed 05 of Jul, 2017 Information
279 application/msword OPAG-IOS - Workplan - ET-ABO
OPAG-IOS - Workplan - 2013 - ET-ABO
Thu 16 of May, 2013 Information
277 application/msword OPAG-IOS - Workplan - ET-SBO
OPAG-IOS - Workplan - 2013 - ET-SBO
Thu 16 of May, 2013 Information
281 application/msword OPAG-IOS - Workplan - IPET_OSDE
OPAG-IOS - Workplan - 2013 - IPET-OSDE
Thu 16 of May, 2013 Information
275 application/msword OPAG-IOS - Workplan - IPET-WIFI
OPAG-IOS - Workplan IPET-WIFI workplan 2013
Thu 16 of May, 2013 Information
235 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet OPAG-ISS Work Plan 2013-2016
Work Plan for OPAG ISS - Updated 1 September 2014.
Mon 01 of Sep, 2014 Information
2982 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document WMO Operating Plan 2016 19
Daraft input paper for Cg-17 and EC-67
Wed 06 of Dec, 2017 Information

Note: Secretariat link for managing documents

Reference documents

Page last modified on Sunday 07 of September, 2014 15:12:36 CEST