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News Updates - 2010
Volume D - Information for Shipping
Chapter 1 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
Notification from Environment Canada

Published: 21 December 2010
Expert Team on WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure (ET-CTS)
Changes to ET-CTS as follows:
  • Mr Remy GIRAUD, currently Co-chair, takes charge of Chair instead of Hiroyuki Ichijo.
  • Ms Ilona GLASER, currently core-member, takes charge of Co-chair instead of Remy.
  • Replacement of Mr. Hiroyuki Ichijo as core-member from Japan is Mr Yoritsugi OHNO.
Published: 21 December 2010
The Netherlands - implementation of Amendment 75 to ICAO Annex 3
Notification from KNMI
The Netherlands has implemented Amendment 75 to ICAO Annex 3, i.e. changes to aeronautical meteorological codes for civil aerodromes. The code change for the North Sea platforms (Dutch sector) will be foreseen in the course of December 2010.

In relation to the implementation, the KNMI has also notified their national deviations from Amendment 75 to ICAO Annex 3 in Netherlands (see letter from The Netherlands).
Published: 17 December 2010
RTH Focal Point
RTH Washington - change in focal point
Mr. Walter H. SMITH Team Leader,
Data Management Office of Operational Systems
NOAA National Weather Service
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring
Maryland (MD) 20910-3283

Email: Walter.Smith@noaa.gov
Telephone: +1 301 713-0864 ext. 139
Fax: +1 301 713-1409
Published: 16 November 2010
Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network (RMTN) for Region II - Asia
Amended RMTN diagrams are available in PPT and JPG
Published: 19 October 2010
RTH Focal Point
RTH New Delhi - change in focal point
Change in email address for RTH focal point for New Delhi : Mr. L.R. MEENA
Email: lrmeena@gmail.com / lr.meena@imd.gov.in
Published: 19 October 2010
Adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes (WMO No. 306) by fast track
In accordance with the fast track procedure for adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes, the Secretariat sent and email on amendments to the Manual on Codes to the focal points for codes and data presentation matters for comments on 11 June 2010.

There were no disagreements from the focal points and finally the President of CBS approved the amendments.

The amendments are available on the WMO web site in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Published: 24 September 2010
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
Notification from RTH Tokyo
Japan (RJTD) plans to discontinue CLIMAT TEMP (in accordance with Res.3(CCl-XV)) – Japan Meteorological Agency will stop sending out CLIMAT TEMP bulletins CUJP01, CUAA01, IUUC01 and IUUL01 to the GTS as from 1 November 2010, 00UTC.
Published: 31 August 2010
New product ID’s - Ocean wind warnings for Melbourne area
Notification from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Implementation date: 30 August 2010

General information

The Bureau of Meteorology is changing the Ocean Wind Warning service for the Tasman Sea.  On 30 August 2010 the Sydney and Melbourne warning areas will be combined.  A new product ID will be created for the enlarged Melbourne area.  There will be no change to the High Seas forecasts for the South East Area.

The change is necessary to reduce duplication of warning products issued for large weather systems simultaneously impacting adjacent warning areas.  The single warning will reduce satellite download costs for mariners whilst at sea.

Details - Changes to Product ID’s

VIC New Product ID
IDV21000 - Ocean Wind Warning 1 (VIC) IDY21000
IDV21010 - Ocean Wind Warning 2 (VIC) IDY21010
IDV10210 - High Seas Forecast (VIC) IDY10210
IDN21000 - Ocean Wind Warning 1 (NSW) IDY21000
IDN21100 - Ocean Wind Warning 2 (NSW) IDY21010
New product ID for Ocean Wind Warning 3 under IDY21020.

Summary of new warning products

Ocean Wind Warnings for South East warning area
  • IDY21000
  • IDY21010
  • IDY21020

For more information contact:
Mr. Neal MOODIE, National Manager – Marine Weather Services
Telephone: +61 (0)3 9669 4768
Published: 4 August 2010
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
Notification from RTH Tokyo
  • Japan RJTD plans to change headings for BUFR TRACKOB from IOXX[01-03] RJTD to IORX[01-03] RJTD.
  • Hong Kong VHHH plans to terminate TSUNAMI warning "WEPA40 VHHH" - Hong Kong Observatory will stop sending out "WEPA40 VHHH" to the GTS on 1 September 2010, 00UTC.
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic VLIV effective 22 July 2010 started to distribute CLIMAT bulletin "CSLA01 VLIV".
Published: 26 July 2010
New ECMWF products available on the GTS
ECMWF has extended its set of products available to NMHS's of WMO members via the GTS. The data is inserted to the GTS by ECMWF's partners DWD (Offenbach) and the UK Met Office (Exeter).

A description of the new products, including a list of GTS bulletin headers, can be found at the following web page:
A description of all services provided by ECMWF for WMO members can be found at:
Published: 9 June 2010
Additional Data and Products - Resolution 40 (Cg-XII)
Notification from the Latvian
Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre. With immediate effect there will no longer be and additional data from Latvia.

Continue to view Additional Data and Products home page ...
Published: 8 June 2010
Volume D - Information for Shipping
Chapter 1 - National Contact Points for the WMO GMDSS Marine Broadcast System
Updated effective 1 April 2010.

Continue to view Volume D - Chapter 1 ...
Published: 3 June 2010
Volcanic Ash Advisory bulletins
Notification from VAAC Wellington
Effective immediately VAAC Welington will be issuing Volcanic Advisory bulletins on an as required basis under the following abbreviated headers: FVPS01-09 NZKL.
Published: 03 June 2010
Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes &
Volume D - Information for Shipping Chapter 3 - Radio-facsimile broadcasts
Notification from Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) provides weather forecasts and warnings for maritime users via a radio facsimile system named JMH. JMA is planning to start broadcasting five-day typhoon track forecast via JMH from 15 June 2010.

Continue to view Volume C2 - Chapter 3 and Volume D - Chapter 3 ...
Published: 28 May 2010
RTH Focal Point
RTH New Delhi - change in focal point
Nomination of National Focal Point for RTH New Delhi:

Deputy Director General of Meteorology
Information Systems and Services Division
India Meteorological Department
Mausam Bhavan
Lodi Road
NEW DELHI - 110 003
Email: lrmeena@gmail.com / lr.meena@imd.gov.in
+91 11 24616051
+91 11 24699216 / +91 11 24623220
Published: 21 May 2010
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
RTH Rome - availability of ENVISAT satellite data
RTH ROME has notified the WMO Secretariat of the availability of ENVISAT satellite data coded in BUFR that will be injected into the GTS effective 1 June 2010:

ISXX(01-10) for ASA-WVS ASAR Wave Model Imagette Cross Spectra
ISXX(21-30) for ASA-WVW ASAR Wave Mode Ocean Wave Spectra
ISXX(41-50) for RA2-WWV RA-2 Wind and Wave product
ii is automaticall created depending on time check
Published: 19 May 2010
Italian Network
Corrigendum to the Italian buoy data.
Published: 16 April 2010
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
The Netherlands - New BUFR bulletins
Corrigendum to the attached Excel file that was published on 09 March 2010, the amended file is attached and the change highlighted in yellow.

KNMI - The Netherlands will soon (at or well before 01 April 2010) produce 15 new BUFR bulletins, containing vertical ozone profile data of the GOME-2 satellite.

Continue to view the amendment ...
Published: 12 April 2010
The WIS Project Office launched two new services in March 2010 with the purpose of improving online collaboration and information regarding WIS in accordance with expected result 10 of WMO’s Strategic Plan - "Effective and efficient functioning of constituent bodies".


WISWIKI (www.wmo.int/wiswiki) is an online platform designed to facilitate online collaboration within WMO Expert Teams.  Discussions between Expert Teams and the public can be held in public and/or private forums. ET-Chairs and WIKI-editors will be able to edit WIKI pages, upload documents and share information. Converting documents into WIKI pages will facilitate collaborative work on texts avoiding synchronization issues when emailing the latest version to multiple editors, thus significantly reducing storage space required by email systems which previously stored several copies of the same document across all participants.

Detailed access control enables sections of the WIKI to be publicly accessible whilst other sections may only be visible to a closed user group. Registered users can belong to several groups and authorization can be granted to access specific sections, enabling individuals to edit their contributions to user forums.  Chairs of Expert Teams will also have the ability to moderate discussion forums or comments.

WISWIKI has numerous advantages: Members can have a single username/password to access and participate in online WMO activities thus addressing the problem on proliferation and fragmentation of different ad-hoc systems. It can be used in conjunction with online HTML based chat, for interactive discussions.  Announcements can be disseminated via blog technology or by subscribing to an RSS feed via the wiki news pages.  The ability to edit from anywhere within a browser (provided the right access credentials) will simplify the sharing of experiences, problems and solutions related to the development of WIS centers.  It can also serve to provide documentation on the technology used to implement WIS functionality at WIS Centres.

WISWIKI is intended to become a single spot for online collaboration of WMO and will gradually replace other systems outside of WMO.


The WIS web pages have also been enhanced by the addition of a WISNEWS section that displays the latest news from the WIKI blog section. The WISNEWS can be found on the top-right of the WIS homepage (www.wmo.int/wis) and will be updated with the latest news regarding WIS, such as updates of the specification, new candidate implementations or meeting results. An RSS-feed is available for the WISNEWs and we encourage everybody involved in WIS to subscribe to the feed by clicking on the orange RSS symbol in the NEWS heading.
Published: 08 April 2010
Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes &
Volume D - Information for Shipping Chapter 3 - Radio-facsimile broadcasts
Notification from Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
JMA is transmitting meteorological information for maritime users via its radio-facsimile broadcast (JMH) and has moved the broadcasting station from Tokyo to Kagoshima. This move took effect in March 2009.

Continue to view Volume C2 and Volume D...
Published: 25 March 2010
Adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes (WMO No. 306) between CBS sessions
Noting that CBS had successfully tested new procedures enabling faster adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306) in view of rapid development of new requirements, the sixty-first session of the Executive Council (Geneva, June 2009) approved the Recommendation 6 (CBS-XIV) – Procedures for amending the Manual on Codes including a new procedure for adoption of amendments between CBS sessions.

In accordance with the procedure for the adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes between CBS sessions, and as requested by the President of CBS, the WMO letter No. OBS/WIS/DRMM/DRC PR(6465) dated 14 December 2009, including draft amendments to the Manual on Codes, was dispatched to all WMO Members for comments before 15 February 2010.  The WMO Secretariat only received comments approving the draft amendments before 15 February 2010. The amendments are therefore approved in accordance with the procedure for the adoption of amendments to the Manual on Codes between CBS sessions.

The president of CBS agreed to notify all WMO Members of the approval of the amendments through the Operational Newsletter for implementation as of the first Wednesday following the six months after the date of this notification, i.e. (15 September 2010).
Published: 09 March 2010
Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes
Chapter 1 - Data Distribution Systems via Satellites
Notification from Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)

JMA launched geostationary satellites in 2005 and 2006, which led to changes in transmission specifications, these amendments take effect immediately.

Continue to view Volume C2...
Published: 9 March 2010
Volume D - Information for Shipping
Chapter 4 - Meteorological Broadcasts by Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony
Notification from Ireland

Effective immediately: Replace Radio Telefis Eireann - Radio 1 (RTE Radio 1) as follows - delete broadcast time 1655 so that it reads 0602, 1253, 2355.

Continue to view the amendment ...
Published: 04 February 2010
The Netherlands - changes to station 06210
Notification from KNMI
The Netherlands that AWS Valkenburg (06210 – EHVB), positioned on the terrain of former Royal Navy airbase Valkenburg, has temporarily been relocated. As a result, the coordinates and heights have been slightly adapted. Its provisional figures are:

Position: 52.10N, 04.26E
Height local terrain: 0 mtr MSL (- 0.20 mtr)
Height barometer: 1 mtr MSL (+ 1.42 mtr)

In the future, most likely within 2 years, the observation site will be rebuilt to another, but final position.
Published: 08 January 2010




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