Automatic Marine Stations
EUMETNET Composite Obervating System (EUCOS)   [current status] 
The EUMETNET Council accepted the proposition of Meteo-France to appoint Jean Rolland as Data Buoy Manager for EUCOS Surface Marine Programme.  The Centre de Météorologie Marine of Météo-France took over the EGOS Technical Secretary tasks at the end of January.  EGOS ends as an organisation and EUCOS takes over the work of EGOS.

The Secretariat would like to take this opportunity of thanking Anne Ansnes Hageberg for her cooperation during the last three years.

ARGOS monthly status report  (unavailable at present due to technical difficulties)

National Programmes:

       Australia  [current status] 

       Canada  [current status] 
       France  [current status] 
       New Zealand  [current status] 
       United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  [current status] 
       United States of America  [current status] 
Publication No. 9 "Weather Reporting": Volume A - Observing stations
Notification from Australia  [to view] 
Changes to the Australian Upper Air Observing Network program, including Australian stations operated in Antarctica.  Effective 12Z, January 5th 2005.  The variations relate to changes to the 12Z upper air soundings.


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