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May 2003



Issues per year
Previous issues
Contact information


World Weather Watch
Marine Meteorological Services



Automatic Marine Stations

National Programmes:
United States of America
New Zealand
United Kingdom

European Group on Ocean Stations

ARGOS monthly status reports

Feedback from Members to the Secretariat re the Observing Network

Explanatory Note
Feedback Form



Dear Reader,

In 1982 the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) requested that a Newsletter be produced to provide World Weather Watch Centres with the latest operational information. In December 2001 (Sydney) the CBS Management Group agreed that the Newsletter should be distributed via electronic mail.   For the future we envisage disseminating the electronic newsletter at irregular intervals (i.e. as and when information is made available to us), thus providing operational centres with the most recent and relevant information.

This Newsletter is disseminated free of charge by the World Meteorological Organization Secretariat. Its objective is to provide World Weather Watch (WWW) Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services, in particular on:

  • The Global Observing System
  • The Global Telecommunication System
  • The Global Data-Processing System
  • Data Management
  • Codes
  • Marine Meteorological Services

PLEASE check our World Weather Watch home page for the most recent edition.  Alternatively complete the subscription form (if you havn’t already done so) and we will contact you when the Newsletter is available.

Issues per year
The Newsletter is currently being distributed monthly.

Contact information
If the Newsletter did not meet with your requirements, please help us to improve it by sending your comments/suggestions.   You can subscribe to our newsletter any time.  If you do not wish to receive future issues of the Operational Newsletter  click here to unsubscribe.

email: Jennifer BEST Best_J@gateway.wmo.ch

The WMO Secretariat would like to express its appreciation to all those who have contributed material to the "Operational Newsletter".

Catalogue of Radiosondes in use by Members

Notification from Egypt: (see METNO A1803)
As from 01 May - 30 September 2003,  stations 62306, 62378, 62423 will implement radiosonde observations at at 1200 UTC and stations 62414, 62337, 62403 at 0000 UTC only.

Notification from Croatia:
New radiosonde station:
14430 0 ZADAR RS 44 06N 15 21E 79 79 1000 GPM . . . . . . . . H00 RW . RW . CLIMAT(T)

The data from ZADAR RS are available by GTS transmission at USRH02, UKRH02, UERH02, ULRH02 bulletins.

Information on the operational status of the Space sub-system

Notification from Japan Meteorological Agency:

The Meteorological Satellite Center / Japan Meteorological Agency will start disseminating high density Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs).  Starting time is expected to be at 06 UTC on 22 May 2003.

JMA has been experimenting in order to increase the number of AMVs with a shorter time delay and will start dissemination of the increased number of AMVs on the GTS at the start of the transition from GMS-5 to GOES 9 (operational geostationary meteorological satellite).

The AMVs will be disseminated in WMO BUFR messages. SATOB messages in which JMA is disseminating its AMVs will be continued in addition to the BUFR AMVs. However, users are requested to notice that the vectors in SATOB messages are assorted from the high density AMVs by quality indices. The numbers of the bulletins will be increased to contain the increased vectors.

A brief specification of the high density AMVs:

There will be three kinds of AMVs: Visible, Infrared, and Water Vapour vectors.

  • The vectors are automatically retrieved and quality checked with EUMETSAT QI and CIMSS/NESDIS RFF.

  • The data will be disseminated within one hour after observation time. The observation will be performed at 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC each day.

  • Planned headers of the BUFR messages are: IUCN for the vectors in the Northern Hemisphere, and IUCS for the vectors in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • The satellite identifier of both SATOB and BUFR messages is the GOES 9 identifier.

  • All BUFR and SATOB formatted AMVs will be disseminated in an hour from the observation time.

Questions or comments can be sent to: The Meteorological Satellite Center / Japan Meteorological Agency (ryoji@msc.kishou.go.jp)

NOAA satellites:

NESDIS has reviewed the requirements for the use of AVHRR channels 3a and 3b on the operational NOAA satellites. A "best scenario" operating configuration has been determined for two satellite operations for NOAA-16 and 17. Beginning on 1 May, the new configuration will be as follows:

  • Afternoon satellite (NOAA-16) - channel 3b always on (no 3a switching)

  • Morning satellite (NOAA-17) - switch channels at the terminator such that 3a is on during daylight and 3b is on during night.

Should NESDIS go to a single satellite operation, a new scenario will be devised.

This decision was made after analysis of available information and related requirements. In summary, the analysis concluded that channel 3a is required only from one satellite, once per day, either AM or PM for most products and research needs for the next two years. The selected scenario was determined to be the best compromise to best address competing requirements. It allows NESDIS to meet the 3b requirements for all products and provide continuous global coverage for fire detection and monitoring.

Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:
Emily.Harrod@noaa.gov/301-457-5247 ext. 117 or
Levin.Lauritson@noaa.gov/301-457-5205 ext. 122

Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):
http://www.osdpd.noaa.gov/PSB/PPP/PPP.html - History of level 1B notices
http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/messages.html - All user notices
http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poesstatus/ - SOCC polar satellites status
http://www.oso.noaa.gov/daily-news/index.htm - SOCC morning reports

Volume C1 - Meteorological Bulletins

Notification from Tokyo, Japan
Amendments to Tokyo, Japan (see METNO MC2103)

Notification from Offenbach, Germany
Amendments  (see METNO MC1403)


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Design by Jenny Best