Issues for 2002 Contact information World Weather Watch
Amendments Automatic Marine Stations Status of National
Programmes: European Group on Ocean Stations
Changes in the
Observing Network
Dear Reader, In 1982 the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) requested that a Newsletter be produced to provide World Weather Watch Centres with the latest operational information. In December 2001 (Sydney) the CBS Management Group agreed that the Newsletter should be distributed via electronic mail. Through WMO letter No. 18172-02/WB/SY/T.8 dated 20 March 2002 and the first two issues of the Newsletter of 2002, all recipients of the Newsletter were informed of the plan to cease the distribution of the Newsletter on paper as from the May-June 2002 edition. For the future we envisage disseminating the electronic newsletter at irregular intervals (i.e. as and when information is made available to us), thus providing operational centres with the most recent and relevant information.This Newsletter is disseminated free of charge by the World Meteorological Organization Secretariat. Its objective is to provide World Weather Watch (WWW) Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services, in particular on:
The Newsletter is currently being distributed every two months (6 issues per year). For comments, suggestions, queries or subscriptions complete the subscription form and return to: Jennifer BEST: Best_J@gateway.wmo.ch OR bestj@www.wmo.ch AcknowledgementsThe WMO Secretariat would like to express its appreciation to all those who have contributed material to the "Operational Newsletter". Notification from Seychelles: Notification from New Zealand: Notification from Germany: Notification from
RTH Offenbach, Germany: Notification from RTH Melbourne, Australia
As from 2003, the first SMM exercise of the year and the special monitoring of the exchange of Antarctic meteorological data will be carried out from 1 to 15 January 2003, instead of 1 to 15 February as for the previous years. The other SMM exercises will continue to be carried out from 1 to 15 April, July and October. Chapter 1 Meteorological
Broadcasts by Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony Chapter 2 Meteorological Broadcasts by
Radio-Facsimile Chapter 3 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System Chapter 5 INMARSAT Land Earth Stations
Accepting Ships Weather Reports and Oceanographic Reports |