Vision of the GOS, and EGOS-IP
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(pages updated on 18-Feb-2016 )

Vision for the Global Observing System (GOS)

The Vision for the GOS provides high-level goals to guide the evolution of the Global Observing System in the coming decades. These goals are intended to be challenging but achievable. The future GOS will build upon existing sub-systems, both surface- and space-based, and capitalize on existing, new and emerging observing technologies not presently incorporated or fully exploited. Incremental additions to the GOS will be reflected in better data, products and services from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs); this will be particularly true for developing countries and LDCs.

The Vision for the GOS is proposed by the CBS following wide consultation with experts in the user and observational communities taking into account the Statements of Guidance and foreseen technological developments both in terms of future application areas’ requirements, and observational technology evolution, both surface- and space-based.

The future GOS will play a central role within the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS). This evolved integrated observing system will be a comprehensive “system of systems” interfaced with WMO co-sponsored and other non-WMO observing systems, making major contributions to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS); and will be delivered through enhanced involvement of WMO Members, Regions and technical commissions. The space-based component will rely on enhanced collaboration through partnerships such as the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). Portions of the surface and space-based sub-systems will rely on WMO partner organizations: the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), and others.

The scope of these changes to the GOS will be major and will involve new approaches in science, data handling, product development and utilization, and training.

  • The Vision for the GOS in 2015: The CBS Expert Team on Observational Data Requirements and Redesign of the Global Observing System (later renamed as Expert Team on Evolution of the Global Observing System (ET-EGOS)) developed the Implementation Plan for Evolution of Space and Ground-based sub-systems of the GOS, so that the Vision for the GOS in 2015 (adopted by the CBS-Ext. (2002)) can be realized.
  • The Vision for the GOS in 2025: Following the proposal of ET-EGOS, the Fourteenth Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS-XIV, Dubrovnik, 2009) reviewed the 'Vision for the GOS in 2025' that was subsequently approved by EC-LXI (Geneva, 2009). The vision for the GOS in 2025 is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. Proposed additions to the Vision are recorded here.


Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing Systems (EGOS-IP)

Responding to the Vision for the GOS and WIGOS needs, the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of global observing systems (EGOS-IP) is a key document providing Members with clear and focused guidelines and recommended actions in order to stimulate cost-effective evolution of the observing systems to address in an integrated way the requirements of WMO programmes and co-sponsored programmes.

The EGOS-IP is produced by the CBS following wide expert review through the Rolling Review of Requirements, looking at the observational requirements of key WMO Applications Areas (e.g. global NWP, seasonal to interannual climate forecasting, aeronautical meteorology, etc.), compared with the actual performances of surface and space based observing systems. A critical review  (including impact studies in some cases) is conducted in order to identify gaps and produce Statements of Guidance for each of the application areas. The statements of guidance are then reviewed, taking cost-effectiveness and priorities into account in the view to produce the EGOS-IP.

  • EGOS-IP/2025: The Implementation Plan for Evolution of Global Observing Systems (EGOS-IP) (responding to the vision for the GOS in 2025 and WIGOS needs) has been approved by EC-65 (Geneva, 2013) following recommendation from the fifteenth Session of the CBS (Jakarta, Indonesia, 10-15 September 2012). The document is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.

  • EGOS-IP/2015: The Implementation Plan for Evolution of Space and Surface-based Sub-Systems of the GOS (EGOS-IP) (which is responding to the Vision for the GOS in 2015) was approved by the Thirteenth Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS-XIII, St. Petersburg, 2005). The document is available in English.

  • Updates of the EGOS-IP: CBS-XIII suggested that regular updates of the EGOS-IP document were useful as a record of progress, but should not be presented to Members as a revised Plan, the original Plan being adequate as a guide to implementation action by Members. ET-EGOS regularly updates the Implementation Plan and the updated versions are included in the Final Reports (see 2007, 2008 and 2009) of the ET-EGOS yearly meetings.




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