World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme world map
Programmes > WCP > WCDMP > CMP_National

National climate monitoring products

Currently, a wide variety of climate monitoring products are produced around the world and there are many inconsistencies between the methods used by different countries. The inconsistencies make comparisons difficult, or impossible.

In the Open Panel of CCl Experts OPACE II a Task Team on national climate monitoring products was established to consider capabilities and national climate monitoring products as well as to develop guidelines to ensure the production of consistent monitoring outputs that can be compared and used widely. The list would allow countries with few resources to focus their efforts on those products which would be widely used and enable them to participate in global monitoring activities such as the WMO annual statement on the status of the global climate and the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society's State of the Climate reports.

For information, work plan, tasks, reports and national climate monitoring products click here


«Regional products





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