Presentations from Countries on Current Status (in pdf and French only)Collaboration de la Direction de la Météorologie avec la communauté paysanne (Collaboration of the Meteorological Service with the peasant community) by Judith Sanfo, Meteorological Service of Burkina Faso (0.98 MB) Assistance Météorologique au Monde Rural, Situation Actualle au Mali (Meteorological Assistance to the Rural Areas, Current Situation in Mali by Daouda Diarra, Meteorological Service of Mail (0.81 MB) Assistance agrométéorologique au monde rural: situation actuelle au Niger (Agrometeorological assistance to the rural areas:Current situation in Niger) by Adamou Aïssatou Sitta, National Meteorological Service of Niger Assistance agrométéorologique aux agriculteurs: Expérience du Sénégal (Agrometeorological assistance to farmers) by Mamadou Ndiaye, National Meteorological Service of Senegal Presentations from Regional and Inter. Organizations (in pdf and French only)Contribution de l’ACMAD à l’agriculture; Informations météorologiques et climatiques à toutes les échelles temporelles (Contribution of ACMAD to agriculture: Meteorological and climatic information at all time scales by Mariane Diop Kane, ACMAD Activités du Centre Régional AGRHYMET à l’endroit des communautés paysannes (Activities of the Regional AGRHYMET Centre to the rural community) by Seydou B. Traore, AGRHYMET Projet de météorologie agricole pour l'Afrique Occidentale : Soutien aux activités des SMHNs et des Centres Regionaux (Agricultural Meteorology proejct for West Africa: Support to NMHS and Regional Centrers Activities by Francisco Pascual, Spanish State Agency of Meteorology (AEMET) Séminaires Itinérants sur le Temps, le Climat et les Agriculteurs (Roving Seminars on Weather, Climate, and Farmers) by Dr M.V.K. Sivakumar, WMO |
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