Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) world map
Programmes > WCP > AgMP > CAgM > FA 3

Focus Area 3 - Agrometeorological Risk Management

ET 3.1 ¦ ET 3.2 ¦ ET 3.3

Focus Area 3 will emphasize the impacts of natural hazards and extreme weather and climate events on agriculture. It will develop the following deliverables as a contribution to the implementation of the GFCS Climate Services Information System as well as to the WMO Global Multi-Hazard Alert System (GMAS) and the WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System. It will also focus on the reviewing impact assessments of climate variability and change on agriculture and how to further develop application related to Climate Smart Agriculture.

ET 3.1 - Expert Team on Drought

Deliverables for Expert Team 3.1

(a) Guidance material on drought risk management measures in conjunction with the Integrated Drought Management Programme;

(b) Report on the status of drought monitoring systems, outlooks, impacts, assessment of possible agricultural losses and preparedness in the WMO regions;

(c) Guidance material on how to clearly communicate the existing definitions of drought, drought triggers, the various components of the lifecycle of drought;

(d) Provide summary of drought and its impacts on agriculture for the WMO Annual Statement on the Status of the Global Climate and the Global Seasonal Climate Update;

(e) Guidance material on incorporating national drought alerts and warnings into regional MHEWS and global alert systems such as GMAS and the Common Alerting Protocol;

(f) Report on any expertise provided on the drought issues to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 3.1

 Leader Andreja SUSNIK RA VI Slovenia
Clement Lovemore BOYCE RA I Malawi
Surender SINGH RA II  India
Gabriel BLAIN RA III Brazil
Lynette BETTIO RA V Australia

Activities for Expert Team 3.1

    • To be determined

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ET 3.2 - Expert Team on AgroClimatic Data and Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecasts for Agriculture

Deliverables for Expert Team 3.2

(a) Develop complete agroclimatic data series including data rescue based on existing techniques, for agricultural applications and analyses such as downscaling for crop modelling and to validating remotely sensed information;

(b) Guidance material on developing complete agroclimatic data series;

(c) Guidance material on methodologies for assessing the feasibility of using sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts for applications in agriculture;

(d) Report on any expertise provided on the use of weather and climate modelling for sustainable agriculture to WMO Member and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 3.2

 Leader Udo BUSCH RA VI Germany
Djergo GAYA
RA I Chad
Alejandro Anibal GODOY RA III Argentina
Adrian TROTMAN RA IV  British Carribbean Territories
David COBON RA V Australia
Daniel ALEXANDRU RA VI Romania

Activities for Expert Team 3.2

    • To be determined

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ET 3.3 - Expert Team on Impacts of Extreme Events / Natural Hazards on Agriculture (except drought)

Deliverables for Expert Team 3.3

(a) Report on impacts of extreme events / natural hazards on agriculture;

(b) Inputs for the WMO Annual Statement on the Status of the Global Climate about extreme events / natural hazards and their impacts on agriculture;

(c) Develop mechanisms and guidance material on incorporating alerts and warnings on extreme events / natural hazards on agriculture to regional and global multi-hazard alerting systems;

(d) Report on any expertise provided on the extreme events / natural hazards impacts on agriculture to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 3.3

 Leader Flavio JUSTINO RA VI Brazil
Amani EL SHEIK  RA I Sudan
Yanling SONG RA II  China
Viviana TUDELA RA III Chile
Shanea YOUNG RA IV  Belize
Vernon CARR RA V Australia
Cathleen FRUHAUF RA VI Germany

Activities for Expert Team 3.3

    • To be determined

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