Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) world map
Programmes > WCP > AgMP > CAgM > FA 2

Focus Area 2: Research and Technology Development in Agrometeorology

ET 2.1 ¦ ET 2.2 ¦ ET 2.3

Focus Area 2 will emphasize research and technology development to provide high quality agrometeorological products, resources and services. It will develop the following deliverables as a contribution to the implementation of the GFCS Observation and Monitoring and Research, Modelling and Prediction Components, the WMO Integrated Global Observing System and the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS). It will also focus on operational data issues in agricultural meteorology and improving the World Agrometeorological Information Service (WAMIS).

ET 2.1 - Expert Team on Soil Moisture Monitoring and Applications

Deliverablesfor Expert Team 2.1

(a) Guidance material on standards for soil moisture measurements and how to integrate ground based and remotely sensed soil moisture observations;

(b) Guidance material on how to use soil moisture monitoring for agricultural applications;

(c) Report on any expertise provided on soil moisture measurements and applications to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 2.1

 Leader John QU RA IV USA
Tunsume MWAMBONEKE RA I Tanzania
Dongli WU RA II  China
Alvaro SOLDANO RA III Argentina
Christa PUDEMENZKY RA V Australia
Martin MOZNY RA VI Czech Republic

Activities for Expert Team 2.1

    • To be determined

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ET 2.2 - Expert Team on Flux Measurements for Agriculture with a focus on GHG emissions

Deliverables for Expert Team 2.2

(a) Guidance material and database on agricultural mass / energy flux measurements for use by WMO members and United Nations agencies;

(b) Report on any expertise provided to IG3IS, United Nations agencies, WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 2.2

 Leader Eliabeth PATTEY RA IV Canada
Li ZHOU RA II  China
Humberto ROCHA RA III Brazil
Johan LAUBACH RA V New Zealand
Aurore BRUT RA VI France

Activities for Expert Team 2.2

    • To be determined

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ET 2.3 - Task Team on Climate and Agricultural Modelling for Sustainable Agriculture

Deliverables for Task Team 2.3

(a) Develop pilot test cases on the use of climate scenarios for making crop management recommendations;

(b) Guidance material on coupling of weather/climate models with agricultural models;

(c) Report on any expertise provided on the use of climate and crop modelling to promote sustainable agriculture for WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Task Team 2.3

 Leader Ward SMITH RA IV Canada
Tsegaye Ketema HAILE RA I Ethiopia
Naresh Kumar SOORNA RA II  India
Denise Cybis FONTANA RA III Brazil
  RA V  
  RA VI  

Activities for Task Team 2.3

    • To be determined

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