Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) world map
Programmes > WCP > AgMP > CAgM > FA 1

Focus Area 1- Weather and Climate Services for Agriculture

ET 1.1 ¦ ET 1.2 ¦ ET 1.3

TT Fisheries

Focus Area 1 will emphasize the improvement and development of agrometeorological products, services and communication to users including early warning systems. It will develop the following deliverables based on a review of existing material as a contribution to the implementation of the GFCS Climate Services Information System and the User Interface Platform.

ET 1.1 - Expert Team on Agrometeorological Tools and Applications

Deliverables for Expert Team 1.1

(a) Develop or modify agrometeorological tools and applications for the Climate Service Toolkit (CST);

(b) Guidance material on applications on remote sensing and GIS Applications in Agrometeorology;

(c) Guidance material on how to best develop agrometeorological decision support systems;

(d) Guidance material on applications of Weather Forecasts for Agriculture such as Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP);

(e) Report on any expertise provided on Agrometeorological Tools and Applications to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 1.1

 Leader James Adamu IJAMPY RA I Nigeria
Isack YONAH RA I Tanzania
Balasubramanian  RAMAMURTHY RA II  India
Arlene AARON-MORRISON RA IV  Trinidad and Tobago
Nor ABDULLAH RA V Malaysia
Francesca VENTURA RA VI Italy

Activities for Expert Team 1.1

    • To be determined

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ET 1.2 - Expert Team on Feedback Mechanisms and Outreach of Agromet Information

Deliverables for Expert Team 1.2

(a) Guidance material on user needs and requirements for weather and climate applications in agriculture;

(b) Guidance material on weather and climate economic assessments and weather index insurance products for agriculture;

(c) Report on any expertise provided on feedback mechanisms and outreach of agrometeorological information to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 1.2



RA I Tunisia
Agustin Kouakou N´ZUE RA I Côte d´Ivoire
Kwang Soo KIM RA II  Republic of Korea
Amparo CONDOR RA III Ecuador
Manasah MKHABELA RA IV  Canada
Chelsea JARVIS RA V Australia
Catherine JOHNSON RA VI United Kingdom

Activities for Expert Team 1.2

    • To be determined

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ET 1.3 - Expert Team on Crop, Animal, and Pest/Disease Early Warning Systems

Deliverables for Expert Team 1.3

(a) Guidance material on animal/plant pest/disease applications modelling and early warning systems, irrigation scheduling, crop protection, and crop forecasting;

(b) Guidance material on developing crop calendars;

(c) Revision of guidance material on the use of phenology for climate monitoring and crop phenology for agrometeorological monitoring and assessments;

(d) Report on any expertise provided on crop, animal, and pest/disease modelling including aerial dispersion to WMO Members and projects in various countries.

Membership for Expert Team 1.3



RA V Australia
Yimer ASSEFA RA I Ethiopia
Olga BEREZA RA II  Russian Federation
Roberto DE RUYVER RA III Argentina
Patrick CHERNESKI RA IV  Canada
  RA V  
Federico SPANNA RA VI Italy

Activities for Expert Team 1.3

    • To be determined

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