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Programmes > DRA > Education and Training Programme (ETRP) > Competencies


This page provides the current status for competencies being developed by the WMO Technical Commissions.

Competencies Framework for PWS Forecasters and Advisors
A Competency Framework for Public Weather Service Forecasters and Advisors was approved by EC-70. The high level competencies are available in WMO-No. 49, and the full framework will be available in August 2019.

Competency Requirements for Education and Training Providers
The EC Panel of Experts on Education and Training developed the following competency framework for regional and national training personnel. This framework provides recommended practices. (En, Fr, Es, Ru) Also available is the accompanying Guidelines for Trainers in Meteorological, Hydrological, and Climate Services, which supports development of the competencies.

Competencies for Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel
The Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology has approved competency standards for the education and training of personnel involved in the provision of meteorological services to air navigation. For more information on the competencies, competency assessment, and supporting training resources, visit the CAeM Moodle site, select Regulatory and Reference Material, login as Guest, and view sections 2 and 3. Also see the Aeronautical Meteorology Programme.

Competency Requirements for operating and exploiting the WMO Information System (WIS)
The WIS competency framework was approved by the 17th WMO World Meteorological Congress, and will be included in the updated Vol I of WMO-No. 49. The original working documents are available along with their learning guides on the WIS-WIKI.

Competencies for Marine Meteorological Personnel
A competency framework for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services has been approved by the 17th WMO World Meteorological Congress, and will be included in the updated Vol 1 of WMO-No. 49. The approved high-level competencies are now available, and the complete competency framework for Marine Weather Forecasters is also made available on the JCOMM site prior to publication.

Competencies for Climate Services Personnel
An expert team of the Commission for Climatology have drafted the Competencies for Provision of Climate Services. Their draft competencies were reviewed by the commission in July, 2014 and revised in January, 2015, and approved by the EC-68 in June 2016, which will be included in the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I.









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