Regional cooperation and development activities
Programmes > DRA > Education and Training Programme (ETRP) > Processes for Offering Training

Processes for Offering Courses

Guidelines for Planning Short-Term Training Activities

Template for Course Information Forms

Process for WMO Co-Sponsored Short Courses for RTCs and partner institutions

  1. The PR or RTC (or other partner institution) requests WMO ETR Office (ETRO) to announce the RTC course by submitting a Course Information, Information Note, and Nomination Form 4 months or more before the start of the course. (See link to template above)
  2. ETRO shares course programme with appropriate WMO Technical Departments (TDs) for evaluation of content choices, rigor and need.
  3. ETRO, with TD assistance, provides guidance on content, learning resources, and if required, instructors.
  4. RTC, with ETRO guidance, further develops/revises Course Information, Information Note, and Nomination Forms. A nomination deadline is established that allows time for selection processes, communication, and travel arrangements (minimum of about 6 weeks before the start of the course).
  5. ETRO considers level of support possible for participants.
  6. ETRO prepares and advertises the course through WMO Circular Letter or through email channels approximately 3 months before the start of the course.
  7. RTC accepts qualified applicants and sends ETRO a list of accepted candidates within one week of the nomination deadline; may advise ETRO the names of candidates to be given priority if ETRO receives a PR request for financial support
  8. If support is required, the nominating PRs request financial support from Secretary-General (SG) of WMO.
  9. ETRA selects candidates for funding. ETRO consults with other TDs and Office for Resource Mobilization and Development Partnerships (RMDP) on priority countries and individuals. Selection is also based upon the Nomination Form, RTC ranking, and efforts to balance to support to members.
  10. WMO sends acceptance and regret letters to the PRs, informing the RTC of support decisions.
  11. ETRO and RTC processes travel and subsistence support.
  12. RTC communicates with all participants on logistical processes and other course information.
  13. ETRO keeps records of support/rejected candidates and reports on funding sources to WMO Office for RMDP.
  14. RTC reports to ETRO on attendance and completions of the course.





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