Sector |
Case Study Title |
Link |
All weather dependent sectors in general |
Cost-benefit study of Wind Tunnel |
Study on Economic Benefits of Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) |
Convective phenomena forecasting |
Agriculture |
Application of the National Agricultural Monitoring System |
Leisure and Sports |
Effectiveness of the Lightning Webpage |
Water Management |
An innovative flood forecasting system for the Demer basin: A case study |
Improved Seasonality of Flows through Irrigation Demand Management and System harmonization |
Melbourne Water Storm water Management |
view |
Costing of water cycle infrastructure savings arising from water sensitive urban design source control measures |
view |
Supporting activity of local societies in the field of flood warning (Office for Local Government Collaboration) |
Energy |
Efficiency of forecasts of water in-flow into reservoirs |
Marine |
Forecast of significant surge in the northern part of the Caspian Sea |
Transport |
In-flight Icing Summary of Benefits Analyses |