PWS - Socio-Economic Applications Site world map

Socio-Economic Applications Events and Reports


Event Venue Date Report
Social Economic Benefits (SEB) Side Event at Cg–17, Room 4, International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), Switzerland
Room 4, International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), Switzerland
Thursday, 28 May 2015, 13:30-14:30
Seminar on Social and Economic Benefits of Service Delivery for Meteorological and Hydrological Services Bendar Seri Begawan,
Brunei Darussalam
October 2013
Link to Seminar page
Meeting of the WMO Forum: Social and Economic Applications and Benefits of Weather, Climate and Water Services Geneva, Switzerland 8-11 April 2013 Doc. Plan and Presentations
WMO RA VI Conference on Social and Economic Benefits of Weather, Climate and Water Services,
Lucerne, Switzerland, from 3 to 4 October 2011 Details
Training Workshop on the Assessment of Socio-economic Benefits of Meteorological and Hydrological Services Nanjing, China September 2009


Meeting of the WMO Forum: Social and Economic Applications and Benefits of Weather, Climate, and Water Services Geneva 18-19 June



Training Workshop on the Assessment of Socio-economic Benefits of Meteorological and Hydrological Services

Sofia, Bulgaria

15-17 September 2008


Second Meeting of the Task Force on Socio-Economic Applications of Meteorological and Hydrological Services


11-13 July 2007


Third Conference on“Secure and sustainable living; social and economic benefits of weather, climate and water services”, focusing on users and decision-makers. Madrid, Spain 19-22 March 2007

Madrid Action Plan (MAP)

Meeting of the Task Force on Socio-economic Application of Meteorological and Hydrological Services


15-18 May 2006


Training Workshop on the Assessment of Socio-economic Benefits of Meteorological and Hydrological Services Nanjing, China 21-28 September 2009 Details






World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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