WMO-IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel

DBCP Technical Document No. 51

Presentations at the DBCP Scientific and Technical Workshop

Weihai, China, 27 October 2014


Programme, presentations (and abstracts) made at the workshop

The Scientific and Technical (S&T) Workshop of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) has become an important forum for stimulating discussion among data buoy operators, designers, and data users. This year’s workshop was held on Monday 27 October 2014 in Weihai, China, in conjunction with the 30th Session of the DBCP (Weihai, 27-31 Oct. 2014).


The interest and participation of oceanographic and marine meteorological experts in the activities of the DBCP is high. The DBCP Scientific and Technical Workshop presents an ideal opportunity for scientists, operators, and manufacturers to relate their experiences, to exchange knowledge, and to build on or learn from the innovations, developments and good practices of their peers.


The theme of the Workshop was “Buoy Science, Technology, and Instrumentation”. Presentations were be made in the following areas: (i) Marine meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation, calibration, and traceability; (ii) Technical development; (iii) Operational Enhancements; (iv) Marine Forecast and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR); and (v) Research Applications.



Presenter, and author(s)



Verena Hormann [1], Luca R. Centurioni [1], Luc Rainville[2], Craig M. Lee[2], and Lancelot J. Braasch[1]

Response of upper ocean currents to Typhoon Fanapi

2 Mark Blaseckie[3] An Update from AXYS Technologies Inc on Key In-House Developments
3 R.Venkatesan[4],G Latha[4], Arul Muthiah[4], Simi Mathew[4] Omni Buoys close monitoring the Phailin Cyclone and the launch of new Indian Omni Buoy System

Shaun R. Dolk[5]

Lagrangian Model Used to Simulate Oil Spills in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Florida Straits
5 Bo Wang[6] Mooring Data Buoy of China - Technology and Applications
6 Michel Guigue[7], Yann Bernard[7], Bill Woodward[8] The Argos Chipset: Less Power=Longer Buoy Lifetimes
7 Rick Lumpkin[5] Global observations of persistent looping drifter trajectories
8 L. R Centurioni[1], V. Hormann [1], and Y. Chao[1] Sea Seurface Salinity observations from drifters during SPURS
9 L. Curtiss[1], L. Braasch[1], & L. Centurioni[1] SIO Drogue Investigation
10 Lance Braasch[1], Luca Centurioni[1] 2014 Drifter Developments at SIO
11 YU Jianqing[9] How we calibrate the Wave Height and Period Measurements from the Gravitational Acceleration Wave Buoys in RMIC/AP




[1] Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), USA

[2] Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, University of Washington, USA

[3] AXYS Technologies, Inc., Canada

[4] Esso - National Institute Of Ocean Technology - Minstry Of Earth Sciences, Chennai India

[5] Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA

[6] Shandong Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanographic Instrumentation (SDIOI), China

[7] Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), France

[8] Collecte Localisation Satellites America (CLS America), USA

[9] National Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology (NCOSM), China