TERMS OF REFERENCE - Management Committee and Programme Area world map
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TERMS OF REFERENCE - Management Committee and Programme Area


Terms of Reference

  1. Assess the resources required for the implementation of the work programme, as well as approaches to identifying and mobilizing these resources;
  2. Coordinate and integrate the work of JCOMM, as implemented through the various working groups, teams and rapporteurs;
  3. Review the internal structure and working methods of the Commission, including its relationship to other bodies, both internal and external to WMO and IOC, and develop proposals for modifications as appropriate;
  4. Assess the implementation of activities and projects referred to JCOMM for action by WWW, WCP, GOOS, GCOS and other programmes, including in particular the GOOS/GCOS Implementation Action Plan;
  5. Contribute as required to the planning processes of WMO and IOC;

Services Coordination Group
Terms of Reference

The Services Coordination Group, in close collaboration with CBS, GOOS and GCOS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall:

  1. Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Services work programme, including performance with respect to timeliness, standards, quality and relevance to established user requirements;
  2. Through the assembly of requirements identified by specialist service groups, and other PAs of JCOMM, provide advice on JCOMM services that need to be implemented or discontinued;
  3. Develop interfaces to representative user groups in order to monitor the strength and weaknesses of existing services;
  4. With the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create Expert Teams, Task Teams, Pilot Projects and appoint Rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Services Programme Area;
  5. Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with groups and bodies in the area of service provision, including other Programme Areas of the Commission;
  6. Liaise with external bodies, in particular those representing user communities.

Observations Coordination Group
Terms of Reference

The Observations Coordination Group shall:

  1. Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the observations work programme, including performance measured against scientific requirements, delivery of raw data, measurement standards, logistics and resources;
  2. Provide advice to JCOMM and to Observation Teams on possible solutions for newly identified requirements, consulting as appropriate with relevant scientific groups and CBS;
  3. Review in situ data requirements and recommend changes as appropriate, taking into account the continuing development of satellite observations and their capabilities;
  4. Coordinate the development of standardized, high quality observing practices and instrumentation and prepare recommendations for JCOMM;
  5. With the concurrence of the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create Expert Teams, Task Teams, Pilot Projects and appoint Rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Services Programme Area;
  6. Examine trade-offs and use of new and improved techniques/developments against requirements and available resources;
  7. Liaise with and input to CBS activities regarding the consolidated requirements database and operational satellites.

Data Management Coordination Group
Terms of Reference

The Data Management Coordination Group, in close collaboration with IODE and CBS subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall:

  1. Develop the strategy, initiate and oversee the implementation of the Data Management Programme Area;
  2. Identify, review, assess and recommend priorities and actions for the Data Management Programme Area;
  3. In concurrence with the co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create Expert Teams, Task Teams, Pilot Projects and appoint Rapporteurs, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Data Management Programme Area;
  4. Ensure collaboration, appropriate coordination and liaison with data management bodies and other bodies;
  5. Ensure full integration and effective cooperation of data management activities within the Commission;
  6. Keep under review, assess and coordinate the adoption of appropriate new information technology;
  7. Establish and maintain cooperation with science programmes and assist with their data management activities, as appropriate;
  8. Provide advice and feedback to users of the Data Management Programme Area functions, both through the appropriate JCOMM Programme Area and directly;
  9. Promote the adoption of good Data Management practices within the Commission and with external partners.


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