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Past Events
(see forthcoming event here)
  This page last updated 31 January 2007




Working Documents


25-27 January 2006 2006 meeting of Presidents of Technical Commissions Geneva, Switzerland
1-3 February 2006 Expert meeting on Possible JCOMM Contributions to the Development and Maintenance of Marine Multi-Hazard Systems Geneva, Switzerland
Final report (.doc) (.pdf)
8-10 February 2006 Expert Meeting on the Development of the JCOMM Guide for Storm Surge Forecasting Geneva, Switzerland
Final report (.doc) (.pdf)
February 2006 Ocean Teacher Ostend, Belgium
3-4 March 2006 JCOMM ad hoc Task Team on Industry Paris, France
20-22 March 2006 E-SURFMAR VOS Technical Advisory Group and European PMO workshop Hamburg, Germany
Logistical info.
23-24 March 2006 3rd International Workshop for Port Meteorological Officers Hamburg, Germany
Final report (web)
27-28 March 2006 DBCP data users and technology workshop Reading, United Kingdom
Final report
(.doc) (.pdf)
28-29 March 2006 JCOMM/OCG workshop for establishing a pilot project to collect in real time metadata from SST and temperature profile data Reading, United Kingdom
Final report (.pdf)
19-22 April 2006 9th Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (SC-IOCARIBE-IX) Cartagena, Colombia

10-19 May 2006 81st session, Maritime Safety Services London, UK
15-26 May 2006 GLOSS training courses Tokyo, Japan
22-24 May 2006 2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) Nice, France

23-24 May 2006 Symposium on Global Multi-Hazard (EWS) Geneva, Switzerland

30 May - 2 June 2006 11th meeting of the International South Atlantic Buoy Programme Buenos Aires, Argentina
Logistical info.
13-14 June 2006 E-SURFMAR Data Buoy Technical Advisory Group Galway, Ireland
20-30 June 2006 58th session of the WMO Executive Council Geneva, Switzerland
21-28 June 2006 39 session of the IOC Executive Council Paris, France
11 July 2006 6th meeting of the WCRP-SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) Hobart, Australia
11-15 September 2006 4th Regional Workshop on Storm Surges and Wave Forecasting Manila, Philippines
24-29 September 2006 9th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting Victoria, Canada
5-7 October 2006 5th meeting of the JCOMM Management Committee Geneva, Switzerland
(rev. 5 - ALL docs.)
(rev. 5 - new docs.)

logistical info
10-12 October 2006 Meeting of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) Geneva, Switzerland
Final report
16-20 October 2006 22nd session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) La Jolla, USA
23-25 October 2006 26th session of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement La Jolla, USA
logistical info
14-17 November 2006 3rd Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances Cape Town, South Africa
7-10 November 2006 3rd meeting of the JCOMM Services Coordination Group (SCG-III) Exeter, UK
documents (rev. 6)
logistical info




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