Volcanic Ash Scientific Advisory Group
At the 5th International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, organized by WMO in cooperation with ICAO and held at the kind invitation of Chile in Santiago de Chile from 17 to 21 March 2010, the formation of a Scientific Steering/Advisory Group was proposed in order to create a single, authoritative source of scientific expertise in the field of volcanic ash affecting civil aviation with emphasis both on meteorological (remote sensing and in-situ observations, transport and dispersion modeling) as well as geophysical/volcanological issues such as eruption source parameters, ash characteristics, ash fallout and aggregation. This expertise was to be made available to the ICAO IAVWOPS group as a basis for future development of operational procedures, standards and guidance. This proposal was subsequently adopted by the WMO Executive Council at its 62nd session (June 2010, Geneva) and fully supported by the Secretary General of IUGG.
In June 2015, WMO 17th Congress (Cg-17) and the 67th Session of the Executive Council commended the scientific contributions of VASAG to the advancement of the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW). Acknowledging the evolving nature of volcanic ash science and the needs of the air transport industry of enhanced services to mitigate the impact of volcanic ash hazard on aviation operations and following the recommendation by Cg-17, the Council requested the Secretary-General, to continue his support to the VASAG in close coordination with the IUGG in accordance with the working arrangements between the WMO and IUGG and with revised terms of reference.