This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020
Tracker Item History
Version | Date | User | Field ID | Field | Old | New |
2 | 02:59 CEST | 127 | Description | Following a decision by ICAO MetP/WG-MIE-3, check that IWXXM reports validate if they contain only the minimum content required in the event that TAC translation fails. If the reports are not valid, update IWXXM so that valid reports are produced. |
Following a decision by ICAO MetP/WG-MIE-3, check that IWXXM reports validate if they contain only the minimum content required in the event that TAC translation fails. If the reports are not valid, update IWXXM so that valid reports are produced. In addition, support nilReason for temporarily missing mandatory METAR elements in an otherwise valid IWXXM report. |
1 | 02:59 CEST | 167 | Lead expert | Aaron Braeckel | ||
1 | 02:59 CEST | 227 | Change Type | Detail |