Meeting 2012

ICT-ISS Meeting Page 13-15 June 2012



Geneva, Switzerland

Implementation Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services

Chairperson : Hiroyuki Ichijo
Secretariat : Peiliang Shi

Register for the meeting

Core members of ICT-ISS will be sent an official invitation. Members are also welcome to register by submitting a form to the secretariat. Upon receipt of a request, the secretariat will check your contact details and if necessary ensure an invitation is sent to the member's WMO Permanent Representative requesting participation of the member.

Report of the meeting: Final report


Preliminary Draft

Registration from 0900.
Meeting starts on first day at 0930
Room 6J at WMO Headquarters

1 Organisation of the meeting

1.1 Welcome
1.2 Agree Agenda
1.3 Working arrangements

5.1 Designation of WIS centres (ET-GDDP) Final Report of ET-GDDP| PPT
5.2 Metadata standard (IPET-MDI)
5.2.1. Metadata standard and change management
5.2.2. Tools to support development - configuration management and other tools
5.2.3 WMO Data Model (IPET-MDI and TT-AvXML)

5.4 Strategy for BUFR Edition 5 and GRIB Edition 3 (IPET-DRC)
5.5 Decisions related to the architecture and operational practices of the WIS (ET-WISC)
5.6 Decisions related to the future quantitative monitoring of information exchanged through the WIS (ET-OI)
6.1 Manuals on WIS and GTS (ET-WISC, ET-CTS, IPET-MDI)

6.2 Manual on Codes (IPET-DRC, IPET-MDI)
7.0 New work area: SATCOM 1 - Draft Report
7.1 Structure of OPAG-ISS - Doc 7.1(1)
7.2 Work Plan for OPAG-ISS to 2016

8. Any Other Business