WIS Demo

Welcome to the page about the Demonstration of WIS to EC LXII.


  • the EC-demo has taken place. more info here
  • there was another telco on the 12th. minutes are here.
  • the proposal below this page was added on April 1.
  • There was a telco on Wednesday March 31 about technical issues of the synchronozation of Brazil and Germany. The minutes are here.


  • CMA,DWD,INMET and JMA should tell WMO what their requirements for the GISC implementations are
  • the "script" for the demonstration has to be discussed
  • we need to conduct a test-run
  • also need to think about the presentation, who will deliver it etc.


We are planning to use this pages to prepare the demonstration of WIS to EC LXII.
Members of ET-WISC can edit this page or leave comments at the bottom.

The next important date is the WMO Executive Council Demonstration from 8-11 of June 2010. WIS as a whole will be demonstrated to the EC two times in 30 minutes sessions held in a side plenary. There will be at least two big screens in the room that can be used for the WIS demonstration.

There will also be space in front of the meeting rooms for the GISC candidates to present their GISC implementations and to answer more in depth questions about WIS. Each candidate GISC will have table space for several people, computers and posters. Finding out the requirements of candidate GISCS is part of this exercise.

We should thus be discussing the actual demonstration as well as the technical infrastructure requirements of the GISC candidates such as number of computers, connectivity etc.

The WIS functions that should be demonstrated are

  1. metadata creation
  2. metadata synchronization
  3. metadata search
  4. data access
  5. data subscription service

Proposal for the main demonstration to EC

The audience will be the EC, thus PRs and management people. The demonstration should therefore be not too technical and easy to understand. It is however important that the 5 points listed above are understood and that is is shown that WIS implements them.

A proposal of such a presentation is to use a scenario featuring "imaginative" protagonists and using the candidate GISC's and DCPC's to search and update metadata and to receive products.

The protagonists (can be any out of the following list of typically used placeholder names in the GISC candidate countries) Jon Doe, Fulano de Tal, Max Mustermann, Wúmíng Shì, Yamada Taro) and the centers CMA,DWD,INMET,JMA and EUMETSAT,ECMWF,etc.. can be freely substituted in the narrative below. In order to have equal representation we may use different pairs of GISC's (CMA/DWD , INMET/JMA ) in each demonstration.
In the beginning Mr. Fulano de Tal is searching in the INMET GISC implementation for metadata on precipitation anomalies, but he is not finding anything. Mr. Fulano de Tal retreats for lunch to recover from the unsuccesfull search.

2. Metadata Input

However, in Germany Mr. Max Mustermann a researcher at the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) has new precipitation data. He knows that in order for his data to go into WIS he needs to describe his data in ISO19139. He thus creates a Metadatarecord for his observations and uploads it using a interface at GPCC.

3. Metadata synchronization

GPCC's GISC is DWD, so it uploads the newly created metadata record (via FTP,OAI,??) to the DWD GISC implementation. DWD includes the metadata record into its catalogue and the other GISC (CMA,INMET,JMA) implementations synchronize their catalogues with DWD.
Back in Brazil Mr. Fulano de Tal has come back from lunch and issues the same search as before to the INMET catalogue again. He now finds the Metadatarecords uploaded by Mr. Max Mustermann. Mr. Fulano de Tal refines the search searching for "GPCC anomaly 2004"

5. Data retrieval (variant I)

Mr. Fulano de Tal examines the Metadatarecord and sees that the corresponding observations can be downloaded from the GPCC homepage. He goes to the webpage and, since the data is access restricted, is asked to login. Working closely with GPCC, he has an account which he uses to login. He then successfully downloads the data via the internet to his PC.

6. Data retrieval (variant II)

Mr. Fulano de Tal examines the Metadadatarecord. He sees that the corresponding data is intended for global distribution and thus available in the 24h cache of each GISC. DWD's GISC implementation thus offers him the possibility to retrieve the data directly from the DWD cache. No password is demanded since the data is intended for global distribution.

7. Data subscription service

Mr. Fulano de Tal is interested in receiving the precipition anomaly data on a continuous basis. He thus subscribes to the data subscription service at GCCP.
GPCC offers to either send the data to him by email or to upload it to a FTP account of his choice. He chooses to have to data sent to him by email and inputs his email address.
In Germany Mr. Max Mustermann has again made some additional anomaly measurements. He inputs his observations into the GPCC. GPCC's systems are aware that Mr. Fulano de Tal has subscribed to this data and sends him an email containing the new data.
The next morning Mr. Fulano de Tal finds an email with the Geneva data in his inbox.


How can we visualize in a nice way what is going on? (in the beginning no search results, then later there are search results..). Need to make sure that the interfaces shown are sufficiently illustrative.

The scenario should be shown live, but we also need a backup in case there is a network problem somewhere. We have to do a testrun anyway. The results of the test should be recorded (video,screenshots,?).

The scenario might be extended to have more roles for the different GISC candidates. We might add more DCPCs or GISCs. There will be two demonstrations. We can also use a different pair of characters and GISCs each time.

The way the presentation will be held has to be discussed. There will be two, possible three big screens. We may want to have a presentation on one of the screens and show the interactions of the protagonists with the GISCs / DCPCs on the other screens. The transitions between the protagonists have to be clear. Would be good to have each one on a different screen.

For the in depth GISC implementation demonstration

Each GISC candidate country will have some space in front of the meeting rooms. The secretariat needs to know which requirements members have to demonstrate their GISC implementation.

Some brainstorming:

  • network access to http port (80) (other ports 8080,?)
  • how much bandwidth is needed? (If only webinterfaces are shown not so much bandwidth is needed, but some members might want to show or need different software.)
  • how many people will be sent?
  • members might require access to their backend control systems, either to show them or to have control over the demo in case something goes wrong during the demonstration.
  • how many computers,screens are needed?
  • are the computers WLAN capable?
  • what other services apart from http are needed? (VPN,ssh,https,???)
  • how much space is needed for posters?

technical details

  • CMA OAI : http://wisportal.cma.gov.cn:7090/wis/provider
  • DWD OAI: http://gisc.dwd.de//oai/provider?verb=ListSets
  • INMET OAI: http://gisc.inmet.gov.br:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/oaipmh?verb=ListSets
  • JMA OAI: http://www.shiken.kishou.go.jp/metasearch/oaiprovider.jsp?verb=Identify

  • WMO OAI: (for testing)

  • CMA SRU: http://wisportal.cma.gov.cn:7090/srw/search
  • DWD SRU: http://gisc.dwd.de/SRU2JDBC/sru?operation=explain
  • INMET SRU: http://gisc.inmet.gov.br:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/portal.sru?operation=explain
  • JMA SRU: http://www.gisc.kishou.go.jp/cgi-bin/darc-sru.cgi?operation=explain

  • WMO SRU: (for testing)

Files (including EC Demo)

click on "files attached" to see and download the list of attached files
OpenWIS presentation - Meteo France, Met Office, KMA, BoM and MFI