Role Mgt

Welcome to the discussion page on WIS user and role management.


There are many ways a centre can choose to implement user and role management. Some of these are described in the Manual on GTS and in the WMO Guidelines on the Use of the Internet. However, although the choice for a centre operating alone is wide, the options narrow considerable if they wish to share user and role management with other centres.

The idea is to update this page to create some useful information on how WIS centres could implement user and role management for their own centre, or bi-laterally or multi-laterally with other WIS centres. To seed this discussion, some major WIS centres have been asked to provide some back ground material for reference.

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This wiki page is for technical discussion amongst ICT experts and should not be considered an authoritive source for obtaining WIS compliance. Please direct any questions or concerns about content of this document to

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Case study 1

Under development 

Case study 2

Under development

General comments

To be developed.