Exeter 2014

Expert Team on Telecommunications Infrastructure (ET-CTS)

Ad hoc meeting 15-16 October 2014, Exeter, UK,

Meeting times: 9am to noon 15th October and 2pm to 5pm 16 October 2104
Location: UK Met office
Meeting Room: Conference room 3
Note: Make sure you have photo ID for receiving your UKMO Pass
Chair: Remy Giraud
Local Contact: Phil Chamberlain
WMO contacts: David Thomas

Final Report


Information for participants:

Webex participation in meeting (Connection to WIS Core Network - GISC Tehran)

Webex participation in meeting (Connection to WIS Core Network - GISC Brasilia)

  • 4pm to 6pm Wednesday 15 October (Part of ROC meeting)
  • Click here to join
  • Meeting number: 708 941 148
  • Meeting password:*** (Mail David Thomas to request password)
  • Access code: 708 941 148
  • Link to Pay numbers or Toll free Numbers to Join by phone.


  1. Welcome and introduction (Chair)
  2. IRIMO Connection to WIS Core Network
    1. Introduction to CBS Ext.2014 request to find a solution for connecting GISC Tehran to WIS Core Network (Secretariat)
    2. Presentation from IRIMO on possible solutions (IRIMO)
    3. Discussion on IRIMO presentation and SWOT analysis
    4. Other presentations (To be provided)
    5. Development of a road map and action plan for connecting of GISC Tehran to the WIS Core Network
  3. Other business (AOB)
    1. RA III connection to WIS Core Network
    2. Presentations (To be provided)
    3. TBA
  4. Development of a road map and action plan for issues identified under AOB
  5. Close


Member Representing
Rémy GiraudFrance
Ilona GlaserGermany
Oliver Gorwits ECMWF
Neil Slater EUMETSAT
Phil ChamberlanUK (Host)
Yoritsugi OhnoJapan
Svetoslav Christov Bulgaria
Pavel Gal Czech Republic
David ThomasWMO
Remote Participants (webex)
Farah Mohammadi Iran IR
Arash Seyed Haghighi Iran IR
Jafar OmidiIran IR
Markus Heene Germany
Christoph Müller Germany

Purpose of meeting

CBS Ext.(2014) requested the Implementation Coordination Team (ICT-ISS), in collaboration with GISC Tehran, to assist IRIMO in the design and implementation of an affordable, interim solution to allow Iran to connect to the WIS Core Network as fully as possible. See CBS-Ext.(2014)/Doc. 3.2(1). In light of this request, ICT-ISS has tasked the Expert Team on Telecommunications Infrastructure (ET-CTS) with this activity and has asked WMO to arrange an ad hoc meeting of ET-CTS to allow them to start working on this issue. Noting that there is to be a meeting of RMDCN Operations Committee (ROC) to be held on the afternoon of 15th October and morning of 16th October at the Met Office and that several ET-CTS core members are participating in the ROC meeting, the chairs of ICT-ISS and ET-CTS recommend holding an ad hoc meeting of ET-CTS in the morning and afternoon adjacent to the ROC meeting.


  1. CBS-Ext.(2014)/Doc. 3.2(1), APPROVED
  2. IRIMO proposal Presentation (ppt)
  3. Proposed hosted gateway Solution (png)
  4. Final Report