TT-WMDR Task Team on WIGOS Metadata Data Representation (TT-WMDR) This team is a sub-team of IPET-DD that concentrates on development of the logical data model and XML implementation of the WIGOS Metadata Data Representation. Members Terms of reference Next meeting To be determined No TabsCurrent activitiesPast activitiesReference documents Current activities Teleconference 24 May 2017 1200 UTC (one hour) WebEx: Meeting number 703 284 674 Agenda Nominate a chair and co-chair Commence brief terms of reference; Commence work plan development, with timelines. Wiki page location Determine next meeting Past activities Reference documents Subversion repository for development of the WMDR schemas (only accessible to authorized users) The specification of the WIGOS metadata standard is Attachment 2.4 of the WIGOS Manual.