

Webex - 04 Feb 2016

Webex details

Meeting Name: TT-CAC-T1-2016
Meeting Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016
Meeting time: 10:00 am | Europe Time (Berlin, GMT+01:00) | 2 hrs
Join Webex Meeting
Meeting number: 709 412 221
Meeting password: xxxx (Contact Secretariat for password)

0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
+44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK) Access code: 709 412 221

Global call-in numbers

Meeting plan

TT-CAC will consider the outcome of Cg-17, the progress of and any subsequent requirements on TT-CAC Action Plan in readiness for CBS-16 to be held around November 2016.

Draft agenda

  1. Open of meeting (Baudouin Raoult - Lead)
  2. Outcomes of CBS Ext 2014 and Cg-17 (Secretariat)
  3. Status report
    1. Status of TT-CAC Action Plan (Chair)
    2. Status of centre audits as per Trello Project Board(Chair and TT members)
    3. Clarification of audit leads, their roles and the roles of the principal GISC and stakeholders
  4. Other business
    1. Possible side meeting of TT-CAC at joint TT-GISC/ET-WISC meeting, Melbourne. 18-22 April 2016.
      1. Who will be there, what to cover and how long will be needed
  5. Update of TT-CAC Action Plan
  6. Next meeting
  7. Close


RAOULT, Baudouin Lead (ECMWF)
TSUNODA, Kenji Co-chair OPAG ISS (Japan)
QU, Weiqing Australia
GIRAUD, Remy France
HEENE, Markus Germany
OHNO, Yoritsugi Japan
THOMAS, David Secretariat
