Satcom2018-Poster Providing a forum for exchange of information of environmental science users to provide better service and prices for satellite communication Registrations for speakers and posters will open on 22 April 2018 Salutation * MrMsMrsSirCapt.Dipl IngDrHonProf.First Name (in full) * Family Name (in full) * Email (Please use same as in registration * Poster Title * Subject area * Satcom ProviderSatcom userManufacturer of equipment that uses Satcom serviceManufacturer of Satcom equipment Other:Type of submission * PosterPresentationInformation PaperList authors (Leave blank if same as above) Character Count: Max: 300Abstract * Character Count: Max: 1000Comment Character Count: Max: 200Telephone Fax Postal Code / Zip Enter the code you see above * Try another code Fields marked with an * are mandatory.