GTS Manual

Manual on GTS development and maintenance pages

The Manual on GTS is located at

It consists of two volumes, One being Global and Two being Regional. These volumes consist of three parts for Vol I while Vol II has been devided into 6 regions and an Antartic Section.

Volume I - Global Aspects - 2009 Edition:

  • Part I - Organization of the GTS
  • Part II - Operational Procedures for the GTS
  • Part III - Technical Characteristics and Specifications for the GTS

Volume II - Regional Aspects - 1991 Edition

  • Region I - Africa
  • Region II - Asia
  • Region III - South America
  • Region IV - North America, Central America and the Caribbean
  • Region V - South-West Pacific
  • Region VI - Europe
  • The Antarctic - Antarctic Data Telecommunication Arrangement

Currently under review

Presently the ET-CTS is reviewing the following components of the manual on GTS
  1. Update the Attachment II-15 of the Manual on the GTS (Provided by Jean-François Gagnon)
  2. Update the Attachment II-16 of the Manual on the GTS ( Clarification ) (Provided by Kenji Tsunoda)
  3. GTS spaghetti diagrams for Vol II

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