CBS Expert Team on WMO Information System Centres (ET-WISC)

Welcome to the ET-WISC home page.

ET-WISC discussion forum

  • ET-WISC technical discussion forum. Questions about WIS centres and the technology used to implement them, such as e.g Geonetwork. It can be read publicly and every registered user can post in it.
  • ET-WISC internal discussion forum. Logged in Wiki-users can read it and ET-WISC users can post to it.
  • ET-WISC has four task teams as described in the following table

ET-WISC Task Teams

ET-WISC/TT-DC WIS Data Centres (DCPC and NC) TOR Membership Workplan
ET-WISC/TT-GISC WIS Global Information System Centres (GISCs) TOR Membership Workplan
ET-WISC/TT-OM WIS Operations and Monitoring (Closed CBS-16)TOR Membership Workplan

The ET-WISC pages can be read by anybody. ET-WISC members can contribute to the pages by adding comments.

ET-WISC working groups

Cache in or through the cloud

ET-WISC Meetings Pages

  1. ET-WISC-2019 and TT-DC2019 - Beijing, China 12-15 March 2019
  2. Joint ET-WISC-CTS etc 13-17 November 2017, Geneva
  3. Joint ET-WISC / ET-CTS Telecon 19Jul2017 Record of meeting
  4. 7th session Melbourne April 2016 - Joint meeting with TT-GISC 2016
  5. WIS Monitoring Development Workshop - Geneva January 2014
  6. WIS "Competencies and Curriculum" Development Workshop - Geneva October 2013
  7. 6th session Beijing July 2013
  8. 5th session Melbourne March 2012
  9. 4th session Geneva February 2010
  10. 3rd session Darmstadt June 2008
  11. Developers Meeting - Reading February 2007
  12. 2nd session Moscow May 2006
  13. 1st session Geneva October 2005

Documentation Pages

  1. WIS Home Page
  2. WIS Project and Implementation Plan
  3. WIS Functional Architecture
  4. WIS Desgination Procedures
  5. WIS Compliance Specifications for GISC, DCPC and NC
  6. WIS User Requirements
  7. Documentation of SRU and related technologies