
This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020



ET-WISC Task team on WIS Operations and Monitoring (TT-OM)

TT-OM was retired at CBS XVI in 2016. Major activities of this group then moved to ET-WISC



ET-OI incorporates many but not all of the operations and monitoring role of the CBS Expert Team on Operations and Monitoring (ET-OI)

ET-OI Meetings

  1. Link to the 2012 ET-OI meeting 29-31 May 2012 in Moscow
  2. Link to the 2010 ET-OI meeting 22-24 Sep 2010 in Geneva
  3. Link to the 2008 Joint ET-OI and GTS-WIS MTN 23-26 Sep 2008 in Geneva
  4. Link to the 2006 Joint meeting ICT-MTN and ET-OI 16-19 May 2006 in Geneva

Page last modified on Wednesday 05 of April, 2017 21:43:41 CEST