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TT-GISC Email Groups (TT-GISC2018)

TT-GISC discussion and information forum

The primary email group for TT-GISC is cbs-wisc-tt-gisc@wmo.int. This is an email group for the focal points of WMO Global Information System Centres (GISC), and includes members of the CBS Expert Team on WIS Centres' Task Team on GISCs. The email group consists mainly of individuals emails, although some GISCs have subscribed their operational GISC email alias to the group. Only members of the email group can send and receive emails to or from the group. Many individuals also subscribe secondary emails to this group, mostly where they are unable to associate their work email with G-Mail. The secretariat moderate this email group, including spam protection.

GISC Operations email

The second TT-GISC email group is gisc-ops@wmo.int. This email group is to exchange information between GISCs relating specifically to GISC Operations, including GISC Watch. This should be the primary email for announcing to other GISCs important planned changes such as new system configuration (e.g. change URL of OAI harvester) or for handing over the GISC Watch duty. The aim is for these messages to get to the operations centre (or help desk) of each GISC and to be monitored by staff on duty. Thus, subscribers to the group are primarily generic GISC email groups although some individuals have also subscribed. Each GISC can manage internally how emails received from this group are distributed among their staff. The secretariat and Chair moderate this email group and can approve submission from email addresses not registered in the group.
This list of generic GISC email addresses is maintained by the chair of TT-GISC who refers to these as the GISCs help desk email, although this is not really the case for all GISCs. The meeting noted that all GISCs have provided this contact information on their GISC portal and it can be used for 24/7 issues (need to take actions immediately), such as System/network trouble/outage.

GISC communications: agreed by TT-GISC-2015


Email, phone, fax, wiki, WIS Core network

Message format

The message should be on a standard form for TQM purpose and posted on the WIS-WIKI. For Example:

Source GISC:                                                                                               
Destination GISCs:                                                                                               
Message date & time:                                Validity period:                                          
Message body:                                                                                               

Communication Language

English should be the primary language and if the GISC server a second language it can be added in the message part.

Page last modified on Monday 09 of March, 2020 21:29:58 CET