GISC Backup
GISC Backup procedure: Para.6.3 Part VI, Guide to WIS (No.1061)
The Manual on WIS, Part III,, requires GISCs to maintain arrangements with one or more backup GISCs that include, as a minimum, the collection and dissemination of information for its AMDCN to be taken up by another GISC in case of an incapacitating system failure.
Note: Responsibilities of the backup GISC are limited to the centres designated in the backup agreement with the GISC.
6.3.1 Backup services Data collection and distribution must continue without interruption to and from centres in the area of the GISC being backed up. Where a centre's routine receipt of data is through subscription (e.g. GTS push), the backup GISC must have a current list of data to be sent to each centre or provide a place for the centres to come and get the data (e.g. GISC Cache). Centres may be unable to change their GTS subscriptions during a period of back up operation, and any changes to subscriptions might not be maintained when normal operations resume. Changes to metadata will not be possible during a backup period. Any ad hoc changes made during a backup period may need to be redone after return to normal operations.
6.3.2 User information If there is a need to exchange user information between GISCs in support of backup, proper security measures should be taken based on the agreement between the two GISCs. However, the centres concerned should ensure that the backup GISC has sufficient information for sending and collecting data from the centres being supported during a backup period. Ad hoc changes to subscriptions, including additions or deletions of subscribers, should be avoided while in backup mode. Any ad hoc changes made during a backup period may need to be redone after return to normal operations.
6.3.3 Networks
Global Information System Centres need to ensure network connectivity to centres in the AMDCN of the GISC they are backing up. This may be through dedicated links, such as GTS, or over the Internet. Such connectivity should be in line with the Guide to Information Technology Security (WMO-No 1115) and the Guide to Virtual Private Networks (VPN) via the Internet between GTS centres (WMO-No 1116), as applicable.