GISC Status reports
Template for GISC Status report (Annex 5 of final report ET-EISC-2106)
ET-WISC/TT-GISC 2016 agreed to future TT-GISC centre status reports containing the following structure and content.- Area of Responsibility
- AMDCN connectivity
- DCs WIS compliance
- Training – Capacity building activity
- Operational issues in last period
- Summary and Status Updates Open Tickets assigned to GISC
- Status Updates on Open Upper Air BUFR Tickets
- Metadata Synchronization Status
- Number of Metadata records available
- Core profile Version
- OAI Provider URL
- Status of own Set at GISCs
- Status of remote Sets at GISC
- Actions taken
- GISC Back up and activities
- Monitoring Activity & volume
- Traffic size and volumes, uptime etc, user registration
- Changes in GISC, including new features since last meeting
- Progress on action items
- Outlook (planned changes/improvements)
- Any other issues of interest
- Summary (Text for report)
Note that all GISCs should provide the status report to TT-GISC annual meetings, even if unable to attend.
GISC connectivity
GlSCs shall connect to other GISCs through the WIS Core Network, which is based on the Main Telecommunication Network (MTN). Data, products and metadata shall flow to a GISC from the DCPCs and NCs that are within its area of responsibility. An Area Meteorological Data Communication Network (AMDCN) shall connect each GISC to DCPCs and NCs in the GISC area of responsibility. An AMDCN may span multiple Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (RMTNs) and parts thereof.A table of GISC connectivity is maintained by TT-GISC