TT-GISC Telecon 05 November 2014
Telco duration: between 1 and 2 hours
Telco Target:
To tackle any immediate operational issues and define the Items we will have to develop for the next TT-GISC meeting planned in 2015
Standing agenda for all TT-GISC meetings/telcos
- Opening & adopt agenda
- Review operational issues that have arisen since last meeting, including decisions and actions needed to resolve any underlying problems.
- Required modifications to working practices between GISCs, including lessons learnt and corrective actions taken.
- Review of reports or inputs from other ETs and CBS.
- Potential modifications to services and technologies
- Review of actions not covered elsewhere (Annex 1) - including WIS monitoring pilot
- New actions and suggestions for working papers to be presented at the next meeting (Annex 2)
- Arrangements for the next TT-GISC meeting
- Time and data for next Telco
- Time and date for next face to face meeting
- Any other business
- Close
- Agenda and attachments