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TT-GISC Telecon 05 November 2014

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Telco duration: between 1 and 2 hours

Telco Target:

To tackle any immediate operational issues and define the Items we will have to develop for the next TT-GISC meeting planned in 2015

Standing agenda for all TT-GISC meetings/telcos

  1. Opening & adopt agenda
  2. Review operational issues that have arisen since last meeting, including decisions and actions needed to resolve any underlying problems.
  3. Required modifications to working practices between GISCs, including lessons learnt and corrective actions taken.
  4. Review of reports or inputs from other ETs and CBS.
  5. Potential modifications to services and technologies
  6. Review of actions not covered elsewhere (Annex 1) - including WIS monitoring pilot
  7. New actions and suggestions for working papers to be presented at the next meeting (Annex 2)
  8. Arrangements for the next TT-GISC meeting
    1. Time and data for next Telco
    2. Time and date for next face to face meeting
  9. Any other business
  10. Close

  1. Agenda and attachments

Page last modified on Monday 03 of November, 2014 10:22:19 CET