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Doc Allocation Plan

Meeting of the ET-WISC Task Team on GISCs. Toulouse, France. 12-14 February 2014

Info03 - Document Allocation Plan

Agenda Item Topic Docs
1. Opening and working arrangements Info01, Info02, Doc 02, Info03, Info04
2. Background from ET-WISC and ToRs of TT-GISC. Info 06
2.1. Outcome of WIS Curriculum workshopDoc 09
2.2. Outcome of WIS Monitoring workshopDoc 10
3. Review of TT-GISC action planDoc 01
4. GISC status round Doc 19, Doc 20r1, Doc 21r1, Doc 22, Doc 23, Doc 24, Doc 25, Doc 26, Doc 27, Doc 29r1, Doc 30, Doc 31
5. Metadata Management Doc 13r1,Doc33
5.1. Metadata harvesting Doc 04
5.2. Metadata catalogue consistency Doc 11r1,Doc 15
6. Cache management Info 05, Doc 13r1
6.1. 24h cache completenessDoc 05
6.2. Harmonization of File format of 24h cacheDoc 14
7. WIS security
7.1. Data policies managementDoc 17
7.2. Propose a standard for WIS users authentication and authorization and potential solutions to implement it GISCs in operation Doc 06r1, Doc 16
8. Users
8.1. User interface (Base functions…)
8.2. User registration parametersDoc 07r1
9. GISCs in operation
9.1. GISC backup ProceduresDoc 03r1, Doc 08
9.2. Standard support provided by GISC to their NCs and DCPCsDoc 34
9.3. Propose procedures for NC sand DCPCs wishing to change their principal GISCDoc 28r1
9.4. Operational GISCs communication Doc 18
10. Registering WMO publications and services in WISDoc 12,
11. Other business
12. Conclusion and actions

Page last modified on Tuesday 11 of March, 2014 12:48:03 CET