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Welcome to the TT-AvXML page for activities before 2017

The Task Team on Aviation XML is a team managed by WMO's Commission for Basic Systems that includes experts from the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology and ICAO. Its purpose is to create an XML representation of meteorological information that is compatible with both WMO and aviation systems.

The Data Representation Standard

Current version of WMO IWXXM (version 1.1)

The sixteenth World Meteorological Congress approved IWXXM version 1.1 (formerly known as AvXML), a WMO standard data representation to be included in the new Volume I.3 of WMO-No. 306, Manual on Codes.

The formal definition of IWXXM 1.1 is currently being edited and translated ready for publication.

The unedited version of the text is available in the following locations: changes to the Manual on Codes and guidelines on data modelling in the WMO context. Note: these links will be changed to point to the published version of the Manual on Codes when it has been prepared.

Initial documentation is provided on this wiki in draft form.

Draft version of WMO IWXXM (version 2)

Initial documentation of IWXXM version 2 is provided on this wiki in draft form. IWXXM 2 is intended to address the requirements of Amendment 77 to WMO No. 49 Vol 2 (the equivalent of ICAO Annex 3).

Earlier drafts of WMO AvXML (now known as IWXXM)

Earlier drafts of WMO AvXML are listed elsewhere in the wiki.
Testing of Release Candidate 2 will used the same approach as for RC1. The final version of AvXML 1.0 would then be released in September 2013.

Team information

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for TT-AvXML were agreed by CBS-MG at the July 2011 meeting.

Agreed documentation

The documents listed in this section have been agreed by the Task Team as candidates for formal approval. They have no formal status.


Web/telephone conferences (See Teleconferences )

Documents under discussion

Follow this link to see drafts of documents being prepared by TT-AvXML.

Reporting issues with AvXML

The procedure for reporting issues with AvXML is described on the AvXML issues page.

Page last modified on Monday 22 of May, 2017 09:55:33 CEST