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Specific guidance referenced in regulatory material

Following elements are required (always or conditionally) in the WIS Discovery Metadata. Please note that is bare minimum, and refer to recommendations for each data type.


((|#fileIdentifier|fileIdentifier)): urn:x-wmo:md:org.example::unique-id
language: eng
characterSet: utf8
  organisationName: (Organisation that Created the Metadata)
  role: pointOfContact
((|#dateStamp|dateStamp)): 2013-11-28
    ((|#title|title)): (Brief Description of the Dataset)
      date: 2012-10-29
      dateType: revision
  ((|#abstract|abstract)): (Long description of the dataset, probably more than several lines)
    keyword: atmosphericComposition
    type: theme
      title: ((|#WMO_CategoryCode|WMO_CategoryCode))
        date: 2012-09-15
        dateType: publication
  ((|#dataset-language|language)): eng
  ((|#dataset-characterSet|characterSet)): utf8
  ((|#topicCategory|topicCategory)): climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
      westBoundLongitude: 11.107
      eastBoundLongitude: 24.167
      southBoundLatitude: 55.001
      northBoundLatitude: 69.063

descriptions of elements

1. fileIdentifier

XPath MD_Metadata/fileIdentifier
Requirement WCMP mandatory, ISO19139 optional
Repeatable NO

2. contact

XPath MD_Metadata/contact
Requirement WCMP recommendation
Repeatable YES

The element contact is a complex type including following subelements.

2.1. name of metadata contact

ISO requires that at least one of following three subelements must be present in contact:

  • contact/*/individualName
  • contact/*/organisationName
  • contact/*/positionName

2.2. email

WCMP recommends that at least contact/*/contactInfo/*/address/*/electronicMailAddress be described in the metadata contact.

2.3. role of metadata contact

3. dateStamp

XPath MD_Metadata/contact
Requirement WCMP recommendation
Repeatable YES

4. title

5. citation-date

6. abstract

7. descriptiveKeywords

7.1. WMO_CategoryCode

8. dataset-language

9. dataset-characterSet

10. topicCategory

11. EX_GeographicBoundingBox

Page last modified on Friday 01 of August, 2014 14:19:05 CEST