Welcome to the ICT-DPFS pages
ICT-DPFS is the management team for WMO's CBS OPAG on Data-processing and Forecasting Systems (OPAG-DPFS). These pages are intended to be used by the team for developing documents and plans for the ICT (Implementation Coordination Team).
Terms of Reference for the Implementation Coordination Team on Data-Processing and Forecasting System (ICT-DPFS):
(a) Identify new emerging requirements (input required from RAs and other bodies);
(b) Determine how GDPFS Centres can best contribute to fulfil emerging requirements;
(c) Participate in THORPEX planning groups as appropriate to advise on conditions and requirements for practical implementations in operational systems;
(d) Identify needs for training through workshops and other means of delivery;
(e) Coordinate the implementation of decisions by CBS related to GDPFS;
(f) Review of Expert Teams and rapporteurs and make recommendations to CBS concerning future work.
Groups and Teams within OPAG-DPFS
OPAG-DPFS performs its technical tasks through coordination groups, expert teams and rapporteurs. Many of these have their own pages on this wiki.- Implementation Coordination Team on Data-Processing and Forecasting System (ICT-DPFS)
- Coordination Group on Forecast Verification (CG-FV)
- Coordination Group on Nuclear Emergency Response Activities (CG-NERA)
- Expert Team on Ensemble Prediction Systems (ET-EPS)
- Expert Team on Extended- and Long-range Forecasting (ET-ELRF)
- Expert Team on Modelling of Atmospheric Transport for Non-nuclear ERA (ET-nNERA)
- Rapporteur on Infrastructure for Numerical Weather Prediction (R-NWP)
- Rapporteur on the Application of NWP to Severe Weather Forecasting (R-SWF)
- Steering Group for the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SG-SWFDP)