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1. The Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System is issued in accordance with a decision of Seventh Congress.


2. This Manual is designed:


(a) To facilitate cooperation in data-processing and forecasting among Members;

(b) To specify obligations of Members in the implementation of the W orld Weather Watch (WWW) Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS);

(c) To ensure adequate uniformity and standardization in the practices and procedures employed in achieving (a) and (b) above.

3. The Manual consists of Volumes I and II, which deal with global and regional aspects, respectively. Volume I of the Manual consists of Part I (Organization and functions of the GDPFS), Part II (Data-processing and forecasting aspects) and Part III (Data management aspects), which contain regulatory material for the global aspects of the WWW Global Data-processing and Forecasting System. The regulatory material stems from recommendations of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) as well as from decisions taken by Congress and the Executive Council.


4. Volume I of the Manual – Global aspects – forms part of the Technical Regulations and is referred to as Annex IV to the Technical Regulations.




5. Volume I of the Manual contains both standard practices and procedures and recommended practices and procedures. The definitions of these two types in the Manual are as follows:

The standard practices and procedures:

(a) Shall be the practices and procedures which it is necessary that Members follow or implement; and therefore

(b) Shall have the status of requirements in a technical resolution in respect of which Article 9 (b) of the Convention is applicable; and

(c) Shall invariably be distinguished by the use of the term “shall” in the English text, and by suitable equivalent terms in the French, Russian and Spanish texts.

The recommended practices and procedures:

(a) Shall be the practices and procedures which it is desirable that Members follow or implement; and therefore

(b) Shall have the status of recommendations to Members to which Article 9 ( b) of the Convention shall not be applied; and

(c) Shall be distinguished by the use of the term “should” in the English text (except where specifically otherwise provided by decision of Congress) and by suitable equivalent terms in the French, Russian and Spanish texts.


6. In accordance with the above definitions, Members shall do their utmost to implement the standard practices and procedures. In accordance with Article 9 (b) of the Convention and in conformity with the provisions of Regulation 127 of the General Regulations, Members shall formally notify the Secretary-General, in writing, of their intention to apply the standard practices and procedures of the Manual, except those for which they have lodged a specific deviation. Members shall also inform the Secretary-General, at least three months in advance, of any change in the degree of their implementation of a standard practice or procedure as previously notified and of the effective date of the change.

7. With regard to the recommended practices and procedures, Members are urged to comply with these, but it is not necessary to notify the Secretary-General of non-observance.

8. In order to clarify the status of the various regulatory material, the standard practices and procedures are distinguished from the recommended practices and procedures by a difference in typographical practice as indicated in the editorial note.



9. Certain notes are included in the Manual for explanatory purposes. They do not have the status of the annexes to the Technical Regulations.


10. A number of detailed guidelines, specifications and formats of data-processing practices and procedures are included in the Manual. Taking into account the rapid development of data-processing and forecasting techniques and the increasing requirements of WWW and other WMO programmes, these guidelines etc. are given in “attachments” to the Manual and do not have the status of the annexes to the Technical Regulations. This will enable the Commission for Basic Systems to update them as necessary.

11. Volume II of the Manual – Regional aspects – does not form part of the Technical Regulations.

12. The words “shall” and “should” in the attachments and in Volume II have their dictionary meanings and do not have the regulatory character mentioned in paragraph 5 above.


13. In this Manual, the term “forecast” is used throughout to indicate a meteorological prediction in word or chart form. This is in accordance with the wording used in the amendments to the Technical Regulations adopted by the extraordinary session (1976) of CBS and approved by the Executive Committee* (paragraph of the Abridged Final Report, EC-XXIX). However, it is recognized that the term “prognosis” is used inter changeably with “forecast” in some parts of the Technical Regulations.

 (*) By its Resolution 42 (Cg-IX), Ninth Congress (1983) changed the name of the Executive Committee to Executive Council.


Page last modified on Tuesday 04 of October, 2011 17:33:06 CEST