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1.         Centres that are designated as Global Producing Centres for Long-range Forecasts (GPCs) are as follows: Beijing, CPTEC (Brazil), Exeter, Melbourne, Montreal, Moscow, Pretoria, Seoul, Tokyo, Toulouse, Washington and ECMWF.


2.         In order to be designated as a Global Producing Centre for Long-range Forecasts, a centre must as a minimum adhere to the following criteria:


- Have fixed production cycles and time of issuance;

- Provide a limited set of products as determined by Appendix II-6, section 4.2;

- Provide verifications as per the WMO SVSLRF;

- Provide up-to-date information on methodology used by the GPC;

- Make products accessible through the GPC Website and/or disseminated through the GTS and/or the Internet.


3.         Additional data or products to the minimum list above could also be provided by GPCs on request by RCCs or NMCs. The RCCs and NMCs would adhere to conditions, if any, attached by the GPCs to these data and products. This additional list of data and products is given in Attachment II.11.

4.         Given the anticipated improvements in skill of Long-range Forecasts (LRF) by using a Multi-model Ensemble (MME) approach, some GPCs can serve as collectors of global LRF data to build MME and to make MME LRF predictions. Such centres may become Lead Centres for Long-Range Forecast of Multi-model Ensemble prediction (LCs LRFMME). The list of such centres and the functions of LC-LRFMME are defined in Attachment II.12. The list of data that GPCs may supply to a LC-LRFMME is defined on LRFMME Websites.


Page last modified on Wednesday 05 of October, 2011 17:00:51 CEST