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Nowcasting A description of current weather parameters and 0 to 2 hours’ description of forecasted weather parameters
2. Very short-range weather forecasting Up to 12 hours’ description of weather parameters
3. Short-range weather forecasting Beyond 12 hours’ and up to 72 hours’ description of weather parameters
4. Medium-range weather forecasting Beyond 72 hours’ and up to 240 hours’ description of weather parameters
5. Extended-range weather forecasting Beyond 10 days’ and up to 30 days’ description of weather parameters, usually averaged and expressed as a departure from climate values for that period
6. Long-range weather forecasting

6.1 Montly outlook

6.2 Three-month or 90-day outlook

6.3 Seasonal outlook
From 30 days up to two years

Description of averaged weather parameters expressed as a departure (deviation, variation, anomaly) from climate values for that month (not necessarily the coming month)

Description of averaged weather parameters expressed as a departure from climate values for that 90-day period (not necessarily the coming 90-day period)

Description of averaged weather parameters expressed as a departure from climate values for that season

(1)        In some countries, long-range forecasts are considered to be climate products.
(2)       Season has been loosely defined as December/January/February = Winter; March/April/May = Spring; etc. ... in the northern hemisphere. In the tropical areas seasons may have different durations. Outlooks spanning several months such as multi-seasonal outlooks or tropical rainy season outlooks may be provided.

7. Climate forecasting

7.1 Climate variability prediction

7.2 Climate prediction
Beyond two years

Description of the expected climate parameters associated with the variation of interannual, decadal and multi-decadal climate anomalies

Description of expected future climate including the effects of both natural and human influences

Page last modified on Thursday 07 of July, 2016 09:13:52 CEST