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In the framework of the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) informs the WMO Secretariat and RTH Offenbach (Germany) of the status of the emergency. If needed, the IAEA will request support from the WMO RSMCs. Beginning with a site area emergency, RTH Offenbach will disseminate the EMERCON messages on the GTS in the form of an alphanumeric bulletin in plain-text English language under the abbreviated heading WNXX01 IAEA for global distribution to the NMCs/RSMCs (see also the WMO Manual on the Global Telecommunication System, WMO-No. 386).


When the IAEA no longer requires WMO RSMC support, the IAEA will send an EMERCON termination message to the RSMCs, the WMO Secretariat and RTH Offenbach. RTH Offenbach will disseminate the EMERCON termination message on the GTS in the form of an alphanumeric bulletin in plain-text English language under the abbreviated heading WNXX01 IAEA for global distribution to the NMCs/RSMCs.




The RSMCs designated by WMO for the provision of atmospheric transport model products for nuclear environmental emergency response shall:


1.         Provide products only when either the delegated authority1 of any country in the RSMC region of responsibility or the IAEA requests RSMC support. Upon receipt of a request from the delegated authority2 or from the IAEA, the RSMC shall provide basic information to the National Meteorological Service of that country or to the IAEA, respectively. If multiple requests are received, highest priority will be given to IAEA requests.


2.         Upon receipt of a first request for products related to a nuclear incident and in the absence of a prior notification by the IAEA, inform the WMO Secretariat, all designated RSMCs and the IAEA of the request.


3.         For an IAEA request sent to the RSMCs to produce and distribute products, the requested RSMCs will distribute the basic products to the IAEA, and all RSMCs will distribute to the National Meteorological Services in the region3 and WMO. For a request for support from a Delegated Authority and without notification by the IAEA, basic information provided to the National Meteorological Service of the requesting country will not be disclosed to the public in that country nor distributed by RSMCs to other National Meteorological Services.


4.         Provide, on request, support and advice to the IAEA and WMO Secretariats in the preparation of public and media statements.

5.         Determine the standard set of basic products and the method of delivery in consultation with users and the IAEA.


6.         Provide product interpretation guidelines to users.


7.         Provide support and technology transfer to national and regional meteorological centres that want to become designated RSMCs.


8.         Make arrangements to provide backup services. These would normally be between the two designated centres in a region. Interim arrangements should be made by centres in regions with a single designated RSMC.




Until such time as new RSMCs have been designated, it is proposed that Regional Association VI-designated RSMCs be responsible for providing services for radiological emergencies to Regional Association I; Regional Association IV-designated RSMCs be responsible for providing services to Regional Association III; while the Regional Association V-designated RSMC, in collaboration with Regional Association IV-designated RSMCs, will be responsible for providing services to Regional Association V.


In cases of radiological emergencies where coordination is required between RSMCs of different regions, the RSMCs of the region where the emergency has occurred will provide this coordination.




If support is required for response to a non-nuclear environmental emergency, related to atmospheric transport of pollutants, the Permanent Representative with WMO of the affected country may direct its request for support to the operational contact point of the designated RSMC(s) for its regional association.


1.         Due to the potentially broad range of environmental emergencies, the RSMC shall consider each request with regard to its capabilities and the suitability of its products to address the emergency requirements and will then respond accordingly.


2.         The RSMC shall inform all other designated RSMCs and the WMO Secretariat of the request and the agreed actions.


1 The person authorized by the Permanent Representative of the country to request RSMC support.

2 The RSMC products will be provided to the NMS Operational Contact Point designated by the Permanent Representative.

3 The basic information will normally be provided by the NMS to the IAEA national contact point.


Page last modified on Tuesday 04 of October, 2011 18:02:44 CEST