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AMDAR Projects and Planning

AMDAR Projects and Planning Pages

Current Issues

  • Management Group Meeting in De Bilt 21 to 22 July

Current Project and Task List (Update July 2011)

Number Parent Task Manager Commenced Expected Completion
1 WIGOS Pilot Project
1.1 WIGOS Pilot Project Development of a standardised BUFR Template for AMDAR      
1.2 WIGOS Pilot Project Application of WMO Metadata relevant to AMDAR      
1.3 WIGOS Pilot Project Development of a standardised Quality Management Framework for AMDAR data      
1.4 WIGOS Pilot Project Validation and preparation for intercomparison of available Water Vapour sensor performance      
1.5 WIGOS Pilot Project Update of the AMDAR Reference Manual WMO-No.958      
1.6 WIGOS Pilot Project Development of the framework for generic software specification for AMDAR      


Page last modified on Tuesday 20 of September, 2011 10:05:32 CEST