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July 2003



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Feedback from Members to the Secretariat re the Observing Network

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The WMO Secretariat would like to express its appreciation to all those who have contributed material to the "Operational Newsletter".


Dear Reader,

This Newsletter is disseminated free of charge by the World Meteorological Organization Secretariat. Its objective is to provide World Weather Watch (WWW) Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services, in particular on:

  • The Global Observing System
  • The Global Telecommunication System
  • The Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System
  • Data Management
  • Codes
  • Marine Meteorological Services

PLEASE check our World Weather Watch home page for the most recent edition.  Alternatively complete the subscription form (if you havn’t already done so) and we will contact you when the Newsletter is available.

Issues per year
The Newsletter is currently being distributed monthly.

Volume A - Observing Stations

Amendments to Volume A

Temporary Changes

Notification from Portugal (METNO A2403):
Station 08579 -Lisbon resumed programme of one daily sounding at 12 UTC effective 30 May 2003

Notification from Egypt:
Due to circumstances the hours of operation for station 62332 - Port Said/El Gamil has changed from 2400 hrs to 1200 hrs as from 1 July 2003  (METNO A2703)

Stations 62378, 62414, 62306 will amend the program of upper-air observations to 1200 UTC and stations 62337, 62403, 62423 to 0000 UTC as from 17 May 2003 to 30 September 2003 (METNO A2103).

Notification from Turkmenistan (METNO A2103):
Station 38507 upper-air observations will be suspended due to lack of radiosondes.

Manual on Codes

Global practices - Changes to codes

The amendments to Table Driven Codes approved by CBS to be operational on Wednesday 5 November 2003 have been included in the WMO web server BUFR, CREX and GRIB 2 Code tables.

The proposed changes to Codes can be found in the WMO Web server at:

Under the heading "WMO Codes and Representations" you can select any of the files which are listed :

Operational Codes:
2003 July - BUFR and common code tables  (from WMO Pub. 306)
2003 July - WMO CREX Tables  (from WMO Pub. 306)
1994 May - Guide to WMO Binary Code Form GRIB 1 (WMO TD-No. 611)
2003 July - FM92 GRIB Edition 2  (from WMO Pub. 306)
2003 April - Guide to FM92 GRIB Edition 2 (Word97)

For additional information on code matters contact: Joël Martellet.


Publication No. 9 - Volume C1 "Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins"

The following updates are available on the WMO server:

RTH Offenbach
EDZW702o.txt and ED06702o.txt (2 July 2003).  Modifications to Oslo, Norway -  Metno MC2803.txt

RTH Tokyo:
RJ01715P.txt (15 July 2003) and RJTD717P.txt  (17 July 2003).    New bulletins added to  Tokyo, Japan - see Metno MC2903


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