Guide to WMO Table-Driven Code Forms
FM 94 BUFR and FM 95 CREX
1 January 2002







This guide has been prepared to assist experts who wish to use the WMO Table-driven Data Representation Forms BUFR and CREX.

This guide is designed in three layers to accommodate users with different levels of requirements.

Layer 1 is a general description designed for those who need to become familiar with the table driven code forms but do not need a detailed understanding.
Layer 2 focuses on the functionality and application of BUFR and CREX, and is intended for those who must use software that encodes and/or decodes BUFR or CREX, but will not actually write the software.

Layer 1 - Basic Aspects of BUFR and CREX


Layer 2 - Functionality and Application of BUFR and CREX

Word   pdf

Layer 3 is intended for those who must actually write BUFR or CREX encoding and/or decoding software, although those wishing to study table driven codes in depth, will find it equally useful.

Layer 3 - Detailed Description of the Code Forms BUFR and CREX for programmers of encoder/decoder software

Word   pdf

WMO gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the experts who developed this guidance material. The Guide was prepared by Dr Clifford H.Dey of the USA National Centre for Environmental Prediction. Contributions were also received in particular from Charles Sanders (Australia), Eva Cervena (Czech Republic), Chris Long (U.K.), Jeff Ator (USA) and Milan Dragosavac of ECMWF.


Web Editor SVP, 20 Aug 2003