World Weather Watch (WWW)
Questionnaires, Surveys and Templates
The questionnaires below are MS-WORD files that use the FORMs feature, so that they can be filled out and treated electronically.
(1) SAVE the blank form to your computer;
(2) Fill it out electronically;
(3) Return it as an e-mail attachment -to the person indicated in the form.
Commission for Basic Systems
Commission for Instruments and Methods
of Observation (CIMO)
Questionnaire / Survey /Template Deadline for replies
CBS Commission for Basic Systems (CBS)
Assessment of the Operation and Progress of Implementation of the WWW
Region I - Africa: [English] [French] 15/09/2005
Implementation-Coordination Team on information Systems & Services (OPAG-ISS)
WMO Codes Processing 29/02/2008
Nomination Form (English only). Candidate-Experts for consideration as members of ET-ADRS: [English] [French] [Spanish] [Russian] [Arabic] 14/05/2007
WMO Codes Processing 31/12/2003
CBS software packages available for exchange:
[Arabic] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
Integrated Observing Systems (OPAG-IOS)
Impacts of New Instrumentation on the GOS 30/07/2007
Upper-air Observations 28/02/2006
WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS)
Survey on WIGOS Activities in NMHSs 15/11/2008
Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS)
Emergency Response Activities - ConvEx-3 (2008) Exercise Evaluation Form 31/08/2008
Access to ECMWF site specific forecasts, EPSgrams - Requested Lists of Stations 30/10/2006
Emergency Response Activities - ConvEx-3 (2005) Exercise Evaluation Form 10/06/2005
Projected expansion of the WMO ERA Programme 31/08/2004
2nd WMO Survey on Quality Management Activities in NMHSs 27/04/2005
Questionnaire / Survey /Template Deadline for replies
Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO)
Survey on alternatives to dangerous and obsolete instruments 31/08/2013
Survey on Algorithms Used in Automatic Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) 15/07/2012
Remote-Sensing: Weather Radars and associated Excel Table 30/09/2009
Measurement and Observation of Solid Precipitation at Automatic Stations 15/09/2008
Regional Radiation Centres (RCCs) 20/06/2008
Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) 06/06/2008
Calibration and Maintenance 15/07/2006
Upper-Air Observations (No. 2) 31/12/2005
Upper-Air (UA) Observations (No. 1) 20/05/2005



World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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