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Fourth WMO Workshop on the
Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP
Geneva, Switzerland
19-21 May 2008

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Welcome and Opening Remarks
      Session 1

Global Forecast Impact Studies (1a, 1b, 1c)

      Session 2

Regional Aspects of Impact Studies (2a, 2b)

      Session 3

Sensitivity, Impact Assessment Techniques, Observation Network Design Studies (3a, 3b)

      Session 4

Workshop Summary and Conclusions

Group photo Workshop Proceedings (Abridged Version)

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Monday, 19 May 2008, morning
            Opening statement 

Session 1
Global Forecast Impact Studies

Monday, 19 May 2008, morning
            Session 1a - Chair: Erik Andersson 
1a (1) A summary of OSE and OSSE activities at ECMWF
Erik Andersson (ECMWF)
1a (2) Global impact studies at Deutscher Wetterdienst
Alexander Cress (DWD)
1a (3) Global impact studies at Météo-France
Florence Rabier (Météo-France)
1a (4) Data impact experiments in JCSDA and NCEP/EMC
Steve Lord (NCEP)
Monday, 19 May 2008, afternoon
            Session 1b - Chair: Steve Lord 
1b (1) Observing System Simulation Experiments in JCSDA
Lars Peter Riishojgaard (JCSDA)
1b (2) Impact studies using the Met Office global and regional model
Richard Dumelow (Met Office) 
1b (3) Impact studies with observations assimilated over North America and North Pacific
Stéphane Laroche and Real Sarrazin (Meteorological Service of Canada)
1b (4) Global and regional OSEs at JMA
Ko Koizumi (JMA) 
1b (5) Global and regional OSEs in Australia
Peter Steinle (BoM/BMRC)
1b (6) Impact studies with satellite observations at the Met Office
John Eyre and Stephan English (Met Office)
1b (7) Adaptive estimation and tuning of satellite observation error in assimilation cycle with GRAPES
Zhang Hua and Chen Dehui (CMA-CAMS)
Tuesday, 20 May 2008, morning
            Session 1c - Co-chairs: John Eyre and Lars-Peter Riishojgaard
1c (1) ADM-AEOLUS: An example of a future global observing system and related preparation studies
Erik Andersson (ECMWF)
1c Summary and discussion of Sessions 1a and 1b (global aspects only)  

Session 2
Regional Aspects of Impact Studies

Tuesday, 20 May 2008, morning
            Session 2a - Chair: Ko Koizumi 
2a (1) An overview of observation impact studies performed in the HIRLAM community
Nils Gustafsson and Harold Schyberg (SMHI) 
2a (2) An overview of observation impact studies performed in the ALADIN community
Claude Fischer (Météo-France) 
2a (3) Impact of ProbeX-IOP observations on the predictive skill of heavy rainfall in the middle part of Korea
Hee-Sang Lee (KMA)
2a (4) The impact of AMDAR and radiosonde observations on a regional model forecast system in southern Africa
Warren Tennant (South African Weather Service) 
2a (5) Regional impact studies performed in the COSMO community
Alexander Cress (DWD) 
2a (6) Regional data impact studies in NCAR and JCSDA
Dale Barker (NCAR) 
Tuesday, 20 May 2008, afternoon
            Session 2b - Co-chairs: Nils Gustafsson and Warren Tennant 
2b Summary and discussion of Session 2a and regional aspects of Session 1b



Session 3
Sensitivity, Impact Assessment
Techniques, Observation Network Design Studies

Tuesday, 20 May 2008, evening and Wednesday, 21 May 2008, morning
            Session 3a - Chair: Florence Rabier 
3a (1) A complementary approach to OSE to monitor the observing system contribution to the forecast error
Carla Cardinali (ECMWF) 
3a (2) Examination of observation impacts derived from OSEs and adjoint models
Ron Gelaro (NASA/GMAO) 
3a (3) Applications of adjoint-based observation impact monitoring at NRL-Monterey
Rolf Langland (Navy/NRL) 
3a (4) Relevance of impact studies for EUCOS and EUCOS requirements in future studies
Jochen Dibbern and Stefan Klink (EUMETNET/EUCOS) 
3a (5) Relevance of NWP impact studies for future satellite programmes               Add 1
Johannes Schmetz (EUMETSAT)
3a (6) Optimising a regional radiosonde network
Oleg Pokrovsky (MGO, Russia) 
3a (7) Intercomparison of sensitivity to observations in the context of THORPEX and T-PARC
Pierre Gauthier (UQAM) 
Wednesday, 21 May 2008, morning
            Session 3b - Co-chairs: Pierre Gauthier and Jim Caughey
3b (1) EUCOS/PREVIEW Data Targeting System (DTS)
Stefan Klink (DWD/EUCOS) 
3b Summary and discussion of Session 3a  

Session 4
Workshop Conclusions

Wednesday, 21 May 2008, morning and afternoon
            Session 4 - Co-chairs: Erik Andersson and Jean Pailleux
4 Workshop Summary and Conclusions