WWW > IMOP > Testbeds and Lead Centres

WMO-CIMO Testbed for Meteorological, Radiation and Ozone Observations -

Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory

(Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

General Site Information

Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory (MGO) is the oldest meteorological institution in the Russian Federation. It was founded in Saint Petersburg on 1 April 1849, under the decree of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia. Since its very foundation, MGO has been serving as a research and methodological centre for the national weather observation system, including specialized networks such as those providing radiation, total ozone, heat balance, air pollution, atmospheric precipitation chemistry, atmospheric electricity, radar and greenhouse gases monitoring.

The testbed Voeikovo is a division of MGO and it was founded in December 1944 as a meteorological station. At the beginning, the weather station had been named “Seltsy” and later it was renamed to ”Voeikovo”. The height of the station is 72 m above the sea level.

Currently, the testbed Voeikovo carries out the following practical and scientific functions:

  • performing the whole range of meteorological, radiation, heat balance and total ozone observations;
  • exploiting, field testing and intercomparing new automatic measurement instruments and systems, aimed at determining reliability and comparability of the measurement results, as well as their suitability for the national meteorological network;
  • verifying and calibrating working reference measurement instruments, operational and spare measurement instruments and sensors;
  • developing guidelines, methods, recommendations and methodological regulatory documentation in the field of meteorological, radiation, heat balance and total ozone observations;
  • providing methodological support for implementation of new measurement tools in the national observation network.
Testbed location: 59.95 °N; 30.70 °E
Climate type: Dfb (Temperate continental climate)
Contact person: Dr Svetlana Gavrilova
Email: svgavr@main.mgo.rssi.ru

Karbyshev St. 7,

194021 St Petersburg

Russian Federation
Tel: +7 (812) 297 8670, +7 (812) 297 4390
Fax: +7 (812) 297 8661
Website: http://voeikovmgo.ru
Further Information
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